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House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 01 - Before starting
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 02 - Prepping for refinishing floors
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 03 - Painting the ceiling
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 04 - Light fixture replacement
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 05 - Painting the walls
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 06 - Removing the old cabinets
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 07 - Door and window replacement
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 08 - Plumbing (removal)
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 09 - New cabinet installation
2005: Spain: 1 - Barcelona
2005: September Oregon trip: 1 - Crater Lake
2021: Kitchen remodel: 1 - Demo
2007: England: 1 - London
2009: Family gathering: 1 - Marna and Tom in Seattle
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 1 - Original
House stuff: Bathroom remodel: 1 - Original
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding: 1 - Pre-ceremony
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 10 - Undercabinet lighting and hood
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 11 - Plumbing (installation)
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 12 - Door and window trim
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 13 - Ducting
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 14 - Counter installation
House stuff: 146 N 81st St inspection
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 15 - Backsplash
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 16 - Baseboards
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 17 - Gas line
House stuff: Kitchen remodel: 18 - Pantry shelves
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year)
College (1996 - 2000): 1997 - 1998 (Sophomore Year)
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year)
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year)
2005: September Oregon trip: 2 - Bandon
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding: 2 - Ceremony
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 2 - Demo
2021: Kitchen remodel: 2 - Floors
2009: Family gathering: 2 - Friday in Hartland
2007: England: 2 - Godalming
House stuff: Bathroom remodel: 2 - In progress
2005: Spain: 2 - Sevilla
Calendars: 2006
Calendars: 2007
Calendars: 2008
Calendars: 2009
Calendars: 2010
Calendars: 2011
Calendars: 2012
Calendars: 2013
Calendars: 2014
Misc photography stuff: Misc equipment trials: 24-70 f2.8, 24-105 f4IS
2005: September Oregon trip: 3 - Driving along the coast
2021: Kitchen remodel: 3 - Electrical, plumbing
2007: England: 3 - James and Emma's wedding
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding: 3 - Post-ceremony
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 3 - Pre-drywall
2005: Spain: 3 - Ronda
2009: Family gathering: 3 - Saturday in Madison
2005: September Oregon trip: 4 - Cannon Beach
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding: 4 - Dinner
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 4 - Drywall
2005: Spain: 4 - Granada
2021: Kitchen remodel: 4 - Insulation and drywall
2009: Family gathering: 4 - Sunday in Hartland
2023: 4th of July
2021: Kitchen remodel: 5 - Paint
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 5 - Painting
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding: 5 - Reception
2005: Spain: 5 - Trip home
2000: 5508 7th Ave NW move in
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 6 - Cabinets
2021: Kitchen remodel: 6 - Cabinets
2021: Kitchen remodel: 7 - Lots of misc
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 7 - Windows and electrical
2011: 70's party
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 8 - Counters and floor patching
2021: Kitchen remodel: 8 - Counters and tile
2009: 80s party
2021: Kitchen remodel: 9 - Appliances and finishing touches
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: 9 - Backsplash
2007: ASMS in Indianapolis
2009: ASU commencement
2024: Adventures in Anahiem
2007: Adventures in Babysitting
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): Adventures in swimming
2010: Afternoon at Magnuson Beach
2012: Afternoon in Temecula
2009: Afternoon in the backyard
2009: Afternoon with the little ones
2023: Agua Caliente camping weekend
Misc photography stuff: Airport flight path
People: Alcorn, Carolyn
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): Allison Hall
People: Alsip, Murray
Wallpaper: Alta Lake
2010: Andrea and Matt's reception
People: Andrew, Jenny (Spike)
2005: Angela's birthday kickball
2004: Another hike at Twin Falls
House stuff: Anti-gopher measures
2021: Anti-gopher measures
2003: Apartment move-out
People: Applegate, Carol
2021: April flowers
2016: April trip to San Antonio
2010: Aquarium trip
2005: Aquarium trip
2006: Arizona wanderings
2005: Christmas: Arizona: Arboretum
2005: Christmas: Arizona: Non-hiking
2005: Christmas: Arizona: Wind Cave Trail
People: Armbrust, Doyle
People: Aronszajn, Mark
Misc photography stuff: At home and in Ballard
Misc photography stuff: At home and in Ballard 2
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 15 (Getting there)
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 16 (The condo, Kuilau trail, Opaekaa Falls)
2018: Peru: August 16 - Departure
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 17 (Gardens, Spouting Horn, kayaking the Wailua)
2018: Peru: August 17 - Lima
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 18 (Waimea Canyon)
2018: Peru: August 18 - Lima
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 19 (Koke'e State Park)
2018: Peru: August 19 - Arrival in Cuzco
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 20 (Heading North, Hideaways Beach)
2018: Peru: August 20 - Cuzco
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 21 (Tunnels, bird refuge, Secret Beach)
2018: Peru: August 21 - Sacred Valley tour
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 22 (Ke'e Beach, Queen's Bath)
2018: Peru: August 22 - Trekking day 1
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 23 (Kalalau trail, Ke'e Beach)
2018: Peru: August 23 - Trekking day 2
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 24 (Na Pali coast boat ride)
2018: Peru: August 24 - Trekking day 3
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: August 25 (Going home)
2018: Peru: August 25 - End of trekking
2018: Peru: August 26 - Machu Picchu
2018: Peru: August 27 - Iquitos
2018: Peru: August 28 - Amazon day 1
2018: Peru: August 29 - Amazon day 2
2018: Peru: August 30 - Amazon day 3
2018: Peru: August 31 - Amazon day 4
2010: August Midwest trip
2014: August trip to the river
People: Austin, Darren
People: Austin, Mardee
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Australia
Wallpaper: Australia
2019: Ax throwing
2006: Wedding weekend: BBQ
2007: Boston trip: BBQ
2009: BBQ, badminton, and drums
2005: Babysitting Roman
2005: Babysitting Roman 2
2006: Bachelor Party
2020: Bachelor party in Joshua Tree
People: Bachelor, Christine
People: Bachelor, Jon
2020: Bachelorette party departure
2005: Backpacking at Abernathy Pass
2011: Backpacking at Douglas Creek
2003: Backpacking at Lake Chelan
2008: Backpacking at Lake Valhalla
2019: Backpacking at Noble Canyon
2004: Backpacking at Thunder Creek
2002: Backpacking at Waptus Pass
2010: Backpacking at Wild Horse Creek
2014: Backpacking in Anza-Borrego
2019: Backpacking in Big Bear
2003: Backpacking in Olympic National Park
2002: Backpacking in the Enchantments
2009: Backpacking near Icicle Creek
2004: Backpacking to Kendall Katwalk
2005: Backpacking to Meander Meadow
2011: Backyard afternoon
2021: Backyard birds
2024: Bahamas and Florida Keys
2017: Balboa Park
Misc photography stuff: Balboa Park at night
2024: Balboa Park in June
2023: Balboa Park wanderings
Misc photography stuff: Ballard construction
People: Balsamo, Tony
People: Barbanel, Julius
2013: Barker Valley hike
People: Barker, Dean
People: Barlo, Kathleen
People: Bashor, Ted
House stuff: Bathroom faucet upgrade
House stuff: Bathroom remodel
2007: Bathroom warming/house centennial party
2015: Bay Area weekend trip
2021: Bay area trip
House stuff: Bedroom and office door trim replacement
House stuff: Bedroom ceiling light
2007: Marna and Tom's wedding: Before the ceremony
2014: Belize
People: Bellew, Matt
2014: Namibia: Best Of
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai: Best Of
2015: Iceland: Best Of
2019: New Zealand: Best of
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Best of
2008: Birthday
2011: Birthday gathering, hike at Tecolote Canyon
2013: Birthday hike at Torrey Pines
2017: Birthday party
2024: Birthday urban hike
2022: Black Mountain loops
2021: Blackberry trellis
House stuff: Blackberry trellis
People: Bleck, Melissa
2014: Blue Angels
2023: Blue Angels
2020: Bob and Murray's birthday
2021: Borrego
2022: Borrego weekend
2007: Boston trip
2013: Bowling
2005: Bowling
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Bowling, etc
People: Bracis, Chloe
People: Bracis, Chris
People: Bracis, Colin
People: Bradford, Matt
2007: Brendan's 40th birthday
2004: Britt goes Commando
2003: Britt's bachelor party
2005: Britt's birthday camera fun
People: Brunsvold, Amy
People: Brunsvold, Curtis
2021: Building an outdoor sectional sofa
People: Bunker, Ross
2017: Burning Man
People: Burris, Mark
2013: Cabo trip
People: Caffrey, Don
2010: California holiday gathering
2009: California trip
2015: Cambodia
2012: Camping at Agua Caliente
2013: Camping at Burnt Rancheria
2023: Camping at Potrero
2019: Camping at William Heise County Park
2011: Camping on the Olympic Peninsula
2002: Canoe rental
Misc photography stuff: Misc equipment trials: Canon 70-200 2.8 IS
2010: Caramel apples with Emory
Seattle Parks: Carkeek Park
2021: Carmel Mountain Preserve
2014: Carolyn and Reed's visit
People: Carr, Mark
Misc photography stuff: Carriage House
2022: Cascades
2023: Cascades in May
2021: Catalina
2014: Central Library tour
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Century club
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Ceremony
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Ceremony
2006: Wedding weekend: Ceremony
2020: Wedding: Ceremony
2007: Marna and Tom's wedding: Ceremony
House stuff: Chandelier replacement
People: Chang, Barb
People: Chanmugam, Sean
People: Chanmugam, Suresh
2011: Charlie's bachelor party
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Charlie's visit
People: Chase, Courtney
People: Chase, Don
People: Chavez, Lynn (Ludivig)
People: Chavez, Steve
2008: Chicago trip
2024: Chile and Patagonia
House stuff: Chimney cap
2017: China
2009: Christmas
2010: Christmas
2005: Christmas
2002: Christmas
2008: Christmas
2015: Christmas
2022: Christmas
2021: Christmas
2012: Christmas
2004: Christmas
2007: Christmas in Arizona: Christmas Day
2007: Christmas cookie night
2006: Christmas in Arizona
2007: Christmas in Arizona
2006: Christmas in Seattle
2007: Christmas in Seattle
2019: Christmas in Wisconsin
2014: Christmas in Wisconsin
2006: Christmas in Wisconsin
2003: Christmas in Wisconsin
2017: Christmas through New Year's
2024: Christmas travels
2018: Christmas trip
2011: Christmas, etc
2012: Christmas, round two
2002: Chryssi and Spike's visit
People: Cilley, Christopher
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): Citrus Bowl
2008: Coastal trip
College (1996 - 2000)
Misc photography stuff: Color/contrast
2016: Colorado River weekend
2000: 5508 7th Ave NW move in: Completely empty
House stuff: Completely empty
2020: Completely necessary Ferrari rental
2009: Coral and Allen's visit
People: Cormack, James
2013: Coronado beach bonfire
2023: Coronado dog beach
2022: Coronado dog beach
2016: Coronado dog beach
2013: Coronado night photography
Misc photography stuff: Coronado night photography
2023: Corte Madera hike
2011: Costa Rica
2013: Courtney's birthday
2018: Cowles hike and Chris's birthday
2022: Crestridge
2021: Crestridge hike
Wallpaper: Critters
2010: D&E visit
2007: Dan and Sydney's Wedding
2007: Dan's bachelor party
2003: Dan's birthday
2004: Dan's birthday dinner
2005: Dan's going away/pinot tasting
2002: Dan's surprise farewell party
2017: Dan's visit
2013: Dance performance
2004: Danelle's adventures in moving
2010: Danelle's birthday dinner
2007: Danelle's birthday party
2013: Danelle's birthday party
2009: Danelle's birthday party
2006: Danelle's birthday party
2008: Danelle's birthday party
2004: Danelle's birthday party
2005: Danelle's move-in
2008: Danskin triathlon
People: Davis, Rachel
People: Davison, Randy
2015: Cambodia: Day 1
2024: UK trip: Day 1 - Departure
2022: Italy: Day 1 - Departure
2017: China: Day 1 - Getting There
2015: Cambodia: Day 2
2017: China: Day 2 - Beijing and Summer Palace
2024: UK trip: Day 2 - London
2022: Italy: Day 2 - Naples
2015: Cambodia: Day 3
2017: China: Day 3 - Beijing
2024: UK trip: Day 3 - London
2022: Italy: Day 3 - Pompeii
2015: Cambodia: Day 4
2022: Italy: Day 4 - Amalfi
2017: China: Day 4 - Great Wall
2024: UK trip: Day 4 - London
2015: Cambodia: Day 5
2024: UK trip: Day 5 - Bath
2017: China: Day 5 - Going to Pingyao
2022: Italy: Day 5 - Rome
2015: Cambodia: Day 6
2024: UK trip: Day 6 - Cotswolds
2017: China: Day 6 - Pingyao
2022: Italy: Day 6 - Rome
2015: Cambodia: Day 7
2017: China: Day 7 - Getting to Xi'an
2022: Italy: Day 7 - Rome
2024: UK trip: Day 7 - Wales
2015: Cambodia: Day 8
2022: Italy: Day 8 - Tuscany
2024: UK trip: Day 8 - Wales
2017: China: Day 8 - Xi'an and Terracotta Warriors
2015: Cambodia: Day 9
2024: UK trip: Day 9 - Liverpool and Lake District
2017: China: Day 9 - More Xi'an
2022: Italy: Day 9 - Umbria and Tuscany
2019: New Zealand: Day 01 - Getting there
2019: New Zealand: Day 02 - Auckland
2019: New Zealand: Day 03 - Getting to Turangi
2019: New Zealand: Day 04 - Rotorua
2019: New Zealand: Day 05 - Tongariro Alpine Crossing
2019: New Zealand: Day 06 - Ferry to the South Island
2019: New Zealand: Day 07 - Abel Tasman, part 1
2019: New Zealand: Day 08 - Abel Tasman, part 2
2019: New Zealand: Day 09 - Abel Tasman, part 3
2011: Costa Rica: Day 1
2008: Coastal trip: Day 1
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 1
2014: Belize: Day 1
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 1
2009: Mexico trip: Day 1
2013: Japan: Day 1 - Arrival
2019: Utah trip: Day 1 - Arrival and Salt Lake City
2012: Trip to France: Day 1 - Getting There
2016: Germany: Day 1 - Getting there
2009: California trip: Day 1 - Sacramento
2007: San Diego: Day 1 - Zoo
2015: Cambodia: Day 10
2017: China: Day 10 - Hangzhou
2024: UK trip: Day 10 - Lake District
2019: New Zealand: Day 10 - Punakaiki
2022: Italy: Day 10 - Tuscany
2019: New Zealand: Day 11 - Getting to Franz Josef
2024: UK trip: Day 11 - Hadrian's Wall and Glasgow
2017: China: Day 11 - Off to Shanghai
2022: Italy: Day 11 - Tuscany
2022: Italy: Day 12 - Florence
2019: New Zealand: Day 12 - Franz Josef
2024: UK trip: Day 12 - Glasgow
2017: China: Day 12 - Shanghai around the river
2022: Italy: Day 13 - Florence
2019: New Zealand: Day 13 - Getting to Wanaka
2017: China: Day 13 - Shanghai
2024: UK trip: Day 13 - West Highland Way to Kingshouse
2019: New Zealand: Day 14 - Routeburn, part 1
2017: China: Day 14 - Shanghai and heading home
2022: Italy: Day 14 - Venice
2024: UK trip: Day 14 - West Highland Way to Kinlochloven
2019: New Zealand: Day 15 - Routeburn, part 2
2022: Italy: Day 15 - Venice
2024: UK trip: Day 15 - West Highland Way to Fort William
2024: UK trip: Day 16 - Edinburgh
2019: New Zealand: Day 16 - Routeburn, part 3
2022: Italy: Day 16 - Venice
2019: New Zealand: Day 17 - Doubtful Sound, part 1
2024: UK trip: Day 17 - Edinburgh
2022: Italy: Day 17 - Return
2024: UK trip: Day 18 - Departure
2019: New Zealand: Day 18 - Doubtful Sound, part 2
2019: New Zealand: Day 19 - Queenstown
2014: Belize: Day 2
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 2
2008: Coastal trip: Day 2
2009: Mexico trip: Day 2
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 2
2011: Costa Rica: Day 2
2007: San Diego: Day 2 - Balboa Park, etc
2013: Japan: Day 2 - Hakone
2019: Utah trip: Day 2 - Kanarra Creek and Zion
2016: Germany: Day 2 - Munich
2012: Trip to France: Day 2 - Paris
2009: California trip: Day 2 - Yosemite arrival
2019: New Zealand: Day 20 - Getting back
2011: Costa Rica: Day 3
2014: Belize: Day 3
2008: Coastal trip: Day 3
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 3
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 3
2009: Mexico trip: Day 3
2007: San Diego: Day 3 - La Jolla
2009: California trip: Day 3 - Mist and John Muir trails
2016: Germany: Day 3 - Munich
2012: Trip to France: Day 3 - Paris
2013: Japan: Day 3 - Return to Chiba
2019: Utah trip: Day 3 - Zion
2008: Coastal trip: Day 4
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 4
2009: Mexico trip: Day 4
2014: Belize: Day 4
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 4
2011: Costa Rica: Day 4
2019: Utah trip: Day 4 - Bryce
2016: Germany: Day 4 - Dachau
2013: Japan: Day 4 - Kamakura
2012: Trip to France: Day 4 - Paris
2009: California trip: Day 4 - Tamarack Creek and Cascade Creek
2007: San Diego: Day 4 - USS Midway
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 5
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 5
2014: Belize: Day 5
2011: Costa Rica: Day 5
2009: Mexico trip: Day 5
2013: Japan: Day 5 - Asakusa and Shinjuku
2019: Utah trip: Day 5 - Capitol Reef
2009: California trip: Day 5 - Merced Grove, Sutter Creek
2016: Germany: Day 5 - Munich to Rothenburg
2012: Trip to France: Day 5 - Paris/Nice
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 6
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 6
2014: Belize: Day 6
2011: Costa Rica: Day 6
2019: Utah trip: Day 6 - Moab
2013: Japan: Day 6 - New Year's brunch and Hie Shrine
2012: Trip to France: Day 6 - Nice
2016: Germany: Day 6 - Rothenburg to Dresden
2011: Costa Rica: Day 7
2008: Trip to Maui: Day 7
2010: Hawaii trip: Day 7
2019: Utah trip: Day 7 - Canyonlands and Arches
2013: Japan: Day 7 - Departure
2016: Germany: Day 7 - Dresden to Berlin
2012: Trip to France: Day 7 - Nice/Eze
2011: Costa Rica: Day 8
2019: Utah trip: Day 8 - Arches and departure
2012: Trip to France: Day 8 - Nice/Return
2016: Germany: Day 8 - Potsdam
2011: Costa Rica: Day 9
2016: Germany: Day 9 - Berlin
People: DeLucena, Alex
People: DePristo, Mark
2005: Death of a Pager
2012: Deb's birthday party
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Dec 28 - Departure
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Dec 29 - Arrival in Santiago
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Dec 30 - Santiago
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Dec 31 - Wine tasting in Casablanca Valley
2013: December Seattle trip
2014: December Seattle trip
House stuff: Deck improvements
2009: Decorating the Christmas tree
2004: Deep frying
People: Del Favero, Chris
2007: Des Plaines
People: Dick, Brian
People: Dick, Sara
Misc photography stuff: Diffraction grating
House stuff: Dining room ceiling light
2007: Boston trip: Dinner in the North End
2007: Dinner with Sarah, Kevin, and Emory
Seattle Parks: Discovery Park
2010: Dog park
2011: Dog park
People: Dolinger, Jason
House stuff: Door hardware upgrade
2023: Drainage work
People: Dreyer, Ethan
People: Dreyer, Jeni
People: Dreyer, Paul
House stuff: Driveway replacement
2011: Driving to San Diego
House stuff: Dry well and misc landscaping
People: Dumas, Pierre
2007: Easter
2009: Easter
2009: Easter eggs
2018: Easter ham
2008: Easter weekend in Wisconsin
People: Eckels, Beth
People: Eckels, Brendan
People: Eckels, Josh
People: Eckels, Lucas
People: Eckels, Maisie Davis
People: Eckels, Malcolm
People: Eckels, Marna
People: Eckels, Max Williams
People: Eckels, Pete
People: Eckels, Sam
People: Eckels, Stacy (Schievelbein)
People: Eckels, Steve
2017: Eclipse
2024: El Capitan and El Cajon Mountains
2013: Elfin Forest hike
2024: Ellie Lane hike
2008: Emory gets Footloose
2007: Emory in the backyard
2007: Emory walks
2009: Emory's birthday party
2010: Emory's birthday party
2008: Emory's haircut and ice cream
2008: Emory's second birthday
Wallpaper: Enchantments
2006: Engagement
2006: Engagement party
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): England
2007: England
Wallpaper: England and Wales
Misc photography stuff: Evening at Sunset Cliffs
2023: Evening in Encinitas
2005: Evergreen Lookout trail maintenance
2014: Experiments with tapioca maltodextrin
House stuff: Exterior painting
2007: Failed bowling attempt
2008: Fall color
2016: Fall in San Diego
2014: Fall leaves
2005: Fall leaves
2009: Fall leaves, etc
2022: Fall weekend at the River
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Family and wedding party portraits
2009: Family gathering
2014: Family gathering
2012: Family gathering in Boston
2005: Family gathering in Chicago
2017: Family gathering in Chicago
2018: Family gathering in DC
2023: Family gathering in Lake Geneva
2013: Family gathering in San Francisco
2024: Family gathering in St Louis
2019: Family gathering in Vancouver
2004: Family reunion in Wisconsin
2016: Family summer gathering
2001: Family visit
2016: Farewell to Zoe
2015: Iceland: February 15 - Getting there
2015: Iceland: February 16 - Arrival
2015: Iceland: February 17 - Reykjavik
2015: Iceland: February 18 - Golden Circle and drive south
2015: Iceland: February 19 - Glaciers and other ice
2015: Iceland: February 20 - Drive from the south to the west
2015: Iceland: February 21 - Snæfellsnes Peninsula
2015: Iceland: February 22 - Hanging out in Stykkishólmur
2015: Iceland: February 23 - Return home
2021: Kitchen remodel: Final product
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen: Finishing touches
2012: Fishing trip
2024: Flight home from Seattle
Misc photography stuff: Floor pictures
2016: Holiday trip: Florida
Wallpaper: Flowers, etc
2018: Fortuna Loop at Mission Trails
2020: Fortuna loop
2024: Fortuna loop
House stuff: Foundation repairs
2008: Fourth of July
2002: Fourth of July / Jess' birthday
2011: Fourth of July Weekend
People: Fowler, Mike
People: Fraser, John
People: Fraser, John
People: Frederick, Kim
People: Frederick, Rob
2010: French Cabin Creek hike
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Friday Madison wanderings
2006: Wedding weekend: Friday night gathering
2013: Friday night hike
2021: Front yard blooms
2009: Frost
2022: Full moon
2009: Game night and wine tasting
House stuff: Garage side door replacement
2013: Garage side door replacement
People: Garber, David
House stuff: Garden fence
People: Garms, Jess
People: Garms, Lisa Voigt
People: Garms, Roger
People: Garms, Roman
2004: Georgia
2016: Germany
2016: Germany slideshow
People: Gesacion, Adam
People: Gesacion, Angela Pitchford
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Getting dressed
People: Glenn, Bill
2024: Goat Canyon Trestle hike
People: Goff, Rachel
2011: Going away picnic
People: Gonzales, Chryssi
2022: Gooseberry harvest
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Graduation/commencement/whatever it's called
2022: Gran and Dote's 70th
2007: Gratuitous fall foliage
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Great America
2010: Greenwood Car Show
People: Grossman, Terry
2006: Wedding weekend: Group formals and portraits
People: Guerra, John
2024: Guys' weekend at the River
2014: Guys' weekend at the river
2006: Haines/Wallace wedding
2024: Halloween
2021: Halloween
2023: Halloween
2019: Halloween
2018: Halloween
2022: Halloween
2017: Halloween Party
2016: Halloween costume party
2002: Halloween costume party
2008: Halloween party
2003: Halloween party
2011: Halloween party
2010: Halloween/Dias de los Muertos
People: Hampton, Rob
People: Hanson, Ava
People: Hanson, Tim
2010: Hawaii trip
People: Hellerstein, Ben
2006: Christmas in Arizona: Hieroglyphics trail
2011: Hike 2 at Mission Trails Regional Park
2013: Hike and apple picking in Julian
2023: Hike at Beeler Canyon
2012: Hike at Black Mountain
2012: Hike at Blue Sky Ecological Reserve
2008: Hike at Boulder River
2019: Hike at Canyon Sin Nombre
2011: Hike at Cougar Mountain
2012: Hike at Discovery Lake
2014: Hike at Elfin Forest
2011: Hike at Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve
2005: Hike at Green Mountain
2012: Hike at Iron Mountain
2012: Hike at Laguna Recreation Area
2002: Hike at Little Mt. Si
2018: Hike at Los Coyotes Reservation
2011: Hike at Los Penasquitos
2023: Hike at Los Peñasquitos
2012: Hike at Los Peñasquitos
2015: Hike at Los Peñasquitos Canyon
2012: Hike at Mission Trails
2013: Hike at Mission Trails
2014: Hike at Mission Trails
2011: Hike at Mission Trails Regional Park
2017: Hike at Mountain Palm Springs
2012: Hike at Pine Mountain
2007: Hike at Tiger Mountain
2005: Hike at Tiger Mountain
2004: Hike to Big Creek Falls
2002: Hike to Dorothy Lake
2013: Hike to Fisherman's Camp
2002: Hike to Ollalie Lake
2006: Hike to Rachel Lake
2002: Hike to Sawyer Pass
2008: Hike to Snow Lake
2004: Hike to Twin Falls
2019: Hiking Big Rock Trail
2023: Hiking El Cajon Mountain
2022: Hiking Fortunas Loop in Mission Trails
2022: Hiking Fortunas Loop in Mission Trails
2018: Hiking Indian Creek Loop
2013: Hiking Volcan Mountain with Nick
2022: Hiking at Corte Madera
2022: Hiking at Kitchen Creek
2022: Hiking at Mission Trails
2022: Hiking at Otay River
2021: Hiking at Penny Pines
2022: Hiking at Sweetwater
2009: Hiking at Tiger Mountain
2012: Hiking near Julian
2007: Christmas in Arizona: Hiking the Black Mesa Loop Trail
2007: Christmas in Arizona: Hiking the Wind Cave Trail
2022: Hiking to Eagle Rock
People: Ho, Shirley
2016: Holiday trip
2023: Holidays
2009: Homemade sausage BBQ
2006: Honeymoon in Kauai
2022: Honolulu trip
People: Hopke, Jill
People: Horen, Gary
People: Horskotte, Mary Grace
People: Horstkotte, Debbie
People: Horstkotte, Joe
2009: Hot tub setup
2023: House repaint
House stuff
2023: Houston!
People: Howatt, Andrew
People: Howatt, Rebecca
2022: Hummingbirds
2021: Hummingbirds
2015: Hummingbirds
People: Hussey, Peter
2002: ISNetworks dinner
2003: ISNetworks dinner
2015: Iceland
People: Igra, Mark
2020: Installing the new blinds
House stuff: Installing the new blinds
House stuff: Interior painting
2016: Iron Mountain
2005: Isaac and Laura's cookie party
2006: Isaac and Laura's wedding
2010: Issaquah triathlon
Wallpaper: Italy
2022: Italy
2007: Christmas in Arizona: James and Sam arrive
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year): James' birthday party
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 1 - Travel to Huilo Huilo
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 2 - Huilo Huilo
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 3 - Travel to Puerto Varas
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 4 - Puerto Varas
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 5 - Travel to Puerto Natales
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 6 - Torres del Paine
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 7 - Torres del Paine
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 8 - Torres del Paine
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 9 - Travel to El Calafate
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 10 - El Calafate
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 11 - El Calafate
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 12 - Travel to Punta Arenas
2024: Chile and Patagonia: Jan 13 - Departure
2011: January hike at Carkeek Park
2013: Japan
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Jeppeson House
2004: Jess' birthday/Fourth of July
2015: Jess, Lisa, and Roman's visit
People: Jewett, Jeff
2013: John and Chloe's San Diego visit
People: Johnson, Liz
People: Johnson, Nate
2017: Jon and Christine's wedding
2014: Jon's birthday party
2004: Journey to the Center of the Earth
People: Jukich, Julie
People: Julio, Burt
2014: Namibia: July 2
2014: Namibia: July 3
2014: Namibia: July 4
2014: Namibia: July 5
2014: Namibia: July 6
2014: Namibia: July 7
2014: Namibia: July 8
2014: Namibia: July 9
2014: Namibia: July 10
2014: Namibia: July 11
2014: Namibia: July 12
2014: Namibia: July 13
2014: Namibia: July 14
2014: Namibia: July 15
2014: Namibia: July 16
2014: Namibia: July 17
2014: Namibia: July 18
2014: Namibia: July 19
2014: Namibia: July 20
2014: Namibia: July 21
2014: Namibia: July 22
2014: Namibia: July 23
2014: Namibia: July 24
2014: Namibia: July 25
2014: Namibia: July 26
2014: Namibia: July 27
2014: Namibia: July 28
2014: Namibia: July 29
2014: Namibia: July 30
2014: Namibia: July 31
2013: July Fourth in Borrego Springs
2016: July Fourth weekend
2016: July trip to New Orleans
2024: June tri-state travel
2016: June trip to San Antonio
2015: Juniper Canyon
People: Kairis, Pete
People: Kaplan, Todd
People: Karras, Jesse
People: Karras, Tracy
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year): Kayaking in Lake Superior
People: Kazarovich, Rosie
People: Keane, Sean
Wallpaper: Kendall Katwalk
People: Kern, Buji
2010: Kiki's birthday at Golden Gardens
People: King, Emory
People: King, Kevin
People: Kirkpatrick, Ficus
2020: Kitchen Creek hike
2021: Kitchen remodel
House stuff: Kitchen remodel
2005: Kitchen warming party
People: Kline, Greg
People: Kline, Nicole
People: Kovalchik, Rob
People: Kunen, Elijah
People: Kunen, Isaac
People: Kunen, Laura (Palmer)
People: Kuzma, Amber
2020: Kwaay Paay hike
2022: Kwankzukkahfestimas
2021: Kwanzukkahfestimas
College (1996 - 2000): 1997 - 1998 (Sophomore Year): L.A. (summer trip)
2016: La Jolla Cove/Scripps Pier
2022: La Jolla wanderings
2015: LabKey Seattle holiday party
2016: Seattle trip in December: LabKey holiday party
2013: December Seattle trip: LabKey holiday party
2009: LabKey holiday party
2017: LabKey summer outing
2007: Labor Day BBQ
2010: Labor Day BBQ
2008: Labor Day Picnic at Greenlake
2011: Labor Day Weekend walks
2001: Labor Day camping at Alta Lake
2013: Labor Day kayaking
2020: Laguna Loop
2021: Laguna Mountain hike on Black Friday
People: Lai, Willy
2008: Lake Chelan trip
House stuff: Landscaping
People: Lang, Deb
People: Lang, Ron
People: Langer, Ashley
2003: Larrabee State Park
2009: Last day of summer picnic
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): Late night at Clarke's
2021: Laundry cabinets
House stuff: Laundry room revamp
People: Lazerus, Mark
2004: Leaving BEA
People: Lebioda, Charlie
People: Lebioda, Susan
People: Lee, Nick
People: Lee, Rob
Misc photography stuff: Lens showdown
2010: Lime Kiln Trail hike
People: Lin, Luke (Snake)
People: Lippa, Mara
2021: Lisa's birthday in Paso Robles
People: Lloyd, Lisa
2006: Logan/Horstkotte wedding rehersal
2006: Logan/Horstoktte wedding
2013: Loreto trip
2020: Louisiana trip
2006: Lucas and Anne's wedding
People: Lum, Karl
2019: Lunar eclipse
People: MacLean, Brendan
People: Macklem, Jill
Misc photography stuff: Misc equipment trials: Macro
2021: Macro
2022: Macro at Lake Miramar
2020: Macro lens experiments
2013: Mad Men party
2017: Madison trip
2019: Madison trip
2012: Madison visit
People: Magi, Brian
People: Magi, Heidi Taylor
People: Malone, Mike
People: Malooly, Tim
House stuff: Mantle refurb
2020: Mantle refurb
2015: March weekend at the Colorado River
2007: Marna and Tom's wedding
2002: Marna's winter visit
People: Marshall, Damian
People: Martin, Lisa
House stuff: Master bath remodel
2013: Master bath remodel
People: Matson, Amy
People: Matson, Jeff
2005: Maura's visit
2012: May Seattle trip
2011: May hike at Discovery Park
2022: May hiking at Mission Trails
People: McCauley, Molly
People: McLeod, Nancy
2011: Meadowdale Beach
2015: Meditation garden
2011: Meeting Ruth
2017: Meetup in Idyllwild
2006: Megan and Chris's visit
2010: Megan's Easter visit
2008: Megan's visit
2024: Memorial Day at Corte Madera
2009: Memorial Day at Kayak Point
2023: Memorial Day hike at Black Mountain
People: Mercado, Chantelle
2009: Mexico trip
People: Meyers, Lisa Lorden
2003: Midwest trip for Don and Kim's wedding
2012: Mike's birthday in Borrego Springs
2017: Minnesota and Whidbey Island
2019: Minnesota invasion
Misc photography stuff: Misc equipment trials
2006: Megan and Chris's visit: Misc lounging
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Misc other activities
Misc photography stuff
House stuff: Misc wiring
2011: Mission Bay
2020: Mission Trails
2014: Mission Trails
2012: Mission Trails and bowling
2013: Mission Trails hike with Sarah
2024: Mission Trails in April
2021: Mission Trails in April
2014: Mission Trails, post-rain
People: Mobley, Joe
People: Moll, Dan
People: Moll, Eileen
2011: Mom and Dad visit
2013: Mom and Dad's February visit
2017: Mom and Dad's January visit
2019: Mom and Dad's January visit
2012: Mom and Dad's March visit
2017: Mom and Dad's November visit
2019: Mom and Dad's October visit
2008: Mom and Dad's visit
2013: Mom and Dad's visit
2024: Mom and Dad's visit
2015: Mom and Dad's visit
2023: Mom and Dad's visit
2015: Mom and Dad's visit
2021: Mom and Dad's visit
2009: Mom and Dad's visit
2010: Mom's April visit
2018: Mom's February visit
2009: Mom's May visit
2007: Mom's November visit
2006: Mom's visit
People: Mooney, Chris
People: Mooney, Kris
2021: More garden bugs
Misc photography stuff: Motion, etc
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Move out
House stuff: Move-in
College (1996 - 2000): 1997 - 1998 (Sophomore Year): Move-out at the end of the year
2010: Moving out
2000: Mt Rainier - Kautz Creek trail
2023: Mt Woodson hike
Wallpaper: Mt. Rainier
Wallpaper: Mt. St. Helens
2003: Murder mystery party
People: Murthy, Geetha
2005: My birthday
2004: My birthday dinner
2009: My birthday party
2007: My birthday party
People: Myers, Lisa
2009: N-Course meal
2014: Namibia
2022: Napa trip
People: Navaro, Erez
Misc photography stuff: New 24-105mm lens walkabout
Misc photography stuff: New 70-200mm lens walkabout
2016: New Year's Day hike
2011: New Year's Day hike at Discovery Park
2006: New Year's Eve
2005: New Year's Eve
2020: New Years Eve hike at Ridgecrest
2004: New York trip
2019: New Zealand
2010: New house, empty
2010: Newborn Owen
2005: Newborn Roman
People: Niefield, Nancy
2015: Night zoo
2018: Night zoo
2024: Night zoo
2019: Night zoo
People: Northfield, Emma
2023: Northwest road trip
2005: November Oregon trip
2021: November macro
2010: November snow
2016: November trip to the River
People: O'Connell, Caitlin
2016: Ocean Shores weekend
2006: October Chicago trip
House stuff: Office ceiling light
2023: Office shelves
People: Ogden, Suzanne
People: Ogle, Todd
2012: Oktoberfest
House stuff: Old pictures
People: Olivieri, Maura
2022: Two year anniversary weekend: Open house
2007: Orcas Island anniversary trip
2004: Oregon wine tasting trip
2006: Oregon wine weekend
2012: Oscar party
People: Ott, Liz
People: Ou, Sarith
College (1996 - 2000): 1997 - 1998 (Sophomore Year): Outing to the Armbrust house
2000: 5508 7th Ave NW move in: Outside
2008: Overnight trip to LA
Wallpaper: Pacific Crest Trail
2004: Pacific Crest Trail (Snoqualmie to Stevens)
2003: Pacific International Raceway
Wallpaper: Pacific coast
Misc photography stuff: Paddle around San Diego marina
2011: Paddleboarding on Lake Washington
House stuff: Painting the office
2024: Palm Springs
House stuff: Palm St Kitchen
House stuff: Palm St empty
House stuff: Palm St inspection
2010: Parental visit and solstice events
2003: Parents' house
2020: Patio lighting
House stuff: Patio lighting
2017: Paul and Jeni's visit
2024: Paul and Lisa's 25th
2014: Paul's birthday trip to Temecula
2020: Paul, Jeni, and Ethan visit
People: Pena, Noemi
2005: Peralta Trail, Arizona
2023: Perseids
2018: Peru
2004: Pete's visit
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding
2009: Peter's visit
2012: Peter's visit
2009: Picnic at Gilman Playground
2005: Picnic at Green Lake
People: Piehler, Britt
People: Piehler, Owen
2006: Megan and Chris's visit: Pike Place Market
2010: Planter construction
People: Pollock, Kelly
House stuff: Porch flooring
2024: Porch flooring
2012: Portland trip
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Pre-ceremony
House stuff: Pre-move-in changes
2020: Wedding: Prep
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): The Party: Preparty preparations
2006: Christmas in Arizona: Present opening
House stuff: Previous owners
People: Price, Phil
2018: Pride weekend zoo party
People: Pugh, Will
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Pumpkin carving party
2005: Pumpkin carving party
2002: Pumpkin carving party
2006: Pumpkin carving party
2004: Pumpkin carving party at Danelle's
2008: Pumpkin patch and petting zoo
2008: Christmas: Putting up the tree
2020: Quarantine diaries
House stuff: Quarter round installation
2009: Quick Madison trip
2023: Quick hike at Mission Trails
People: Quincy
2009: Quincy arrives
2009: Quincy meets Beau
People: Rafn, Mark
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year): Rafting in West Virginia
2024: Rancho Mission Canyon
House stuff: Range hood install
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): RattlerRace
2023: Rebecca's birthday
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Reception
2006: Wedding weekend: Reception
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Reception
2020: Wedding: Reception
2007: Marna and Tom's wedding: Reception
2022: Two year anniversary weekend: Reception - cocktail hour
2022: Two year anniversary weekend: Reception - dancing
2022: Two year anniversary weekend: Reception - dinner
House stuff: Refinishing fir floors
2006: Wedding weekend: Rehearsal
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Rehearsal
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Rehearsal
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Rehearsal dinner
2018: Peter and Jill's wedding: Rehearsal dinner
House stuff: Resetting the pathway
House stuff: Retaining wall replacement
House stuff: Retiling entryway
2008: Return to Gold Creek Pond
2010: Return to Icicle Creek
2014: Return to the river
2012: Return to the zoo
2014: Belize: Return trip
People: Rico, Isabel
People: Riley, Kiki
People: Risinger, Brian
2002: Road trip to San Francisco
2002: Rock climbing
People: Rodriguez, Gilberto
People: Rodwell, Tim
2005: Roman vs Zoe
2006: Roman vs. Zoe, the revenge
2006: Roman's first birthday
2023: Rose Canyon wandering
People: Rueter, Dave
People: Ryczek, Bob
People: Ryczek, Katherine
2022: Safari Park
2013: Sam and Rachel's visit
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding
2005: Sam's visit
2007: Sam's visit to scope out UW
2010: Samantha's visit
2007: San Diego
2011: San Diego arrival
2016: San Diego holiday party
2010: San Diego trip
2016: San Francisco trip
Seattle Parks: Sandpoint
2007: Sarah and Emory Arrive
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Saturday Madison wanderings
2023: Saturday afternoon at the zoo
People: Schafer, Aaron
People: Schafer, Paul
People: Schellhardt, Laura
People: Schievelbein, Betty
People: Schievelbein, Clayton
People: Schievelbein, Helen
People: Schievelbein, Terry
People: Schievelbein, Tom
2005: Christmas: Seattle
Wallpaper: Seattle
2008: Christmas: Seattle
2006: Megan and Chris's visit: Seattle Center
2015: Seattle March trip
Seattle Parks
2011: Seattle departure
2018: Seattle in December
2018: Seattle over Memorial Day weekend
2013: Seattle trip
2016: Seattle trip in December
2012: Seattle/Newark trip
2006: Christmas in Arizona: Sedona trip
2018: Peru: September 1 - Amazon day 5
2018: Peru: September 2 - Departure
2005: September Oregon trip
2012: September Seattle trip
2016: September trip to the River
2021: Sequoia and Kings Canyon trip
2024: Seven Bridges urban hike
2022: Two year anniversary weekend: Seven bridges hike
People: Sheremata, Summer
People: Sherman, Scott
People: Shulman, Nick
House stuff: Siding project
House stuff: Sink replacement
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Six-pack night
2006: Skiing at Cabin Creek
People: Slater, Matt (Shaft)
People: Smith, Bob
People: Smith, Eric
People: Smith, John
People: Smith, Steve
People: Smolen, Don
People: Smolen, Jack
People: Smolen, John
People: Smolen, Josephine
People: Smolen, Kim
2009: Snails, rhubarb, and Zoe
People: Snelling, George
2013: Snorkeling at La Jolla Cove
2004: Snow camping at Louise Lake
2001: Snowshoeing
2003: Snowshoeing at Commonwealth Basin
2007: Snowshoeing at Gold Creek Pond
2004: Snowshoeing at Keechelus Ridge
2010: Snowshoeing at Price Creek
2008: Snuggle time for Zoe, bath time for Emory
People: Soffin, Jeremy
House stuff: Solar install
People: Somerfield, Beth
People: Somerfield, Dan
People: Somerfield, Sydney (Folts)
2000: 5508 7th Ave NW move in: Somewhat furnished
People: Soto, Onell
People: Soto, Robin
2023: South Fortuna hike
2005: Spain
2005: Spanish Feast
2015: Spiders
2023: Spring
2018: Spring Bay Area trip
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year): Spring Break (England/Wales)
Misc photography stuff: Spring at 200mm
2021: Spring bloom
2024: Spring in the backyard
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): Spring party
People: St John, Natalie
2015: St Louis
2014: Stand-up paddleboarding
2011: Star Wars exhibit
2024: Starry Starry Night gala
2021: Steve and Lynne's wedding and reception
2004: Stockholm
People: Stoker, Mandy
2012: Stone brewery tour
2009: Stroll at Discovery Park
2009: Stroll at Twin Falls
2018: Peru: Summary - Best Of
College (1996 - 2000): 1998 - 1999 (Junior Year): Summer in New Jersey
2018: Summer weekend on the Colorado River
2021: Sunday morning at Coronado dog beach
Seattle Parks: Sunset Hill Park
2021: Sunset at Coronado dog beach
2009: Super Bowl
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): SuperBowl party
2008: Superbowl snackfest
2006: Wedding weekend: Group formals and portraits: Supplemental
2006: Wedding weekend: Ceremony: Supplemental
2006: Wedding weekend: Wedding day prep (Danelle): Supplemental
2006: Wedding weekend: Reception: Supplemental
2009: Susie and Charlie's wedding
2002: Syrah tasting party
People: Taylor, Andrea
People: Taylor, Matt
2020: Tecolote Canyon late afternoon walk
2012: Temecula wine tasting trip
People: Tesla
2005: Thanksgiving
2013: Thanksgiving
2007: Thanksgiving
2024: Thanksgiving
2009: Thanksgiving
2006: Thanksgiving
2008: Thanksgiving in Arizona
2012: Thanksgiving in Idyllwild
2002: Thanksgiving trip to Southern California
2014: Thanksgiving weekend
2011: Thanksgiving weekend
2015: Thanksgiving weekend
2004: The Incident with the Soft Red
College (1996 - 2000): 1999 - 2000 (Senior Year): The Party
2006: Thunder Creek: The Sequel
2010: Tiger Mountain hike
2003: Tim's bachelor party
2021: Tiny bugs
2021: Tiny grasshoppers
2010: Tom Petty at the Gorge
2005: Tom Petty concert
2022: Torrey Pines
2014: Torrey Pines
2023: Tortoise time with Betty and Tom
2004: Track Day - August
2004: Track Day - June
2008: Track day
2006: Trip to Chuckanut Coast
2012: Trip to France
2002: Trip to John and Chloe's Wedding
2008: Trip to Maui
2009: Trip to Oregon
2005: Trip to Oregon wine country
2013: Trip to Salton Sea and Joshua Tree
2017: Trip to Santa Barbara
2008: Trip to Walla Walla
2012: Trip to the river
People: Twite, Audrey
2007: Two week slumber party
2022: Two year anniversary weekend
2011: U2 concert
Misc photography stuff: UCSD trolley extension
2018: UCSD trolley extension
2024: UK trip
2024: UK trip slideshow
2024: University Heights Halloween
2013: Urban hike to Banker's Hill bridges
2019: Utah trip
Misc photography stuff: Utilities
House stuff: Utility room fixup
People: Van Kleeck, Anneke
People: VanDusen, Jeanell
People: VanDusen, Jim
2004: Vancouver
2002: Vancouver trip
2008: Vancouver weekend
People: Vannatter, Charlie
2005: Vashon Island with Mom and Dad
2006: Visiting newborn Emory
Seattle Parks: Volunteer Park
People: Wagner, Tim
2016: Walk in Balboa Park
2012: Walk through Tecolote Canyon
People: Wallace, Dan
People: Wallace, James
People: Wallace, Megan
People: Wallace, Peggy
People: Wallace, Roelle
People: Wallace, Samantha (Haines)
People: Wallace, Sarah
People: Walsh, Tom
2007: Wandering Duke
2005: War of the Worlds viewing
College (1996 - 2000): 1997 - 1998 (Sophomore Year): Washington D.C. (summer trip)
2008: Washington DC
House stuff: Water heater replacement
2009: Mexico trip: Waterproof camera shots
2020: Wedding
2006: Wedding weekend: Wedding day prep (Danelle)
2006: Wedding weekend: Wedding day prep (Josh)
2015: Sam and Rachel's wedding: Wedding party and family photos
2006: Wedding prep
2006: Wedding venue reconnaissance
2006: Wedding weekend
2024: Week in Big Bear
2005: Weekend at Snoqualmie Falls
2006: Weekend at Sunset Falls Cabin
2017: Weekend at the Palms in Borrego Springs
2013: Weekend in Big Bear
2020: Weekend in Big Bear
2017: Weekend in Big Bear
2018: Weekend in Borrego Springs
2024: Weekend in Borrego Springs
2011: Weekend in Boulder
2017: Weekend in Bozeman
2015: Weekend in Cabo
2011: Weekend in Charleston
2011: Weekend in Chicago
2014: Weekend in Ensenada
2025: Weekend in Ensenada
2017: Weekend in Forest Falls
2012: Weekend in Idyllwild
2015: Weekend in Idyllwild
2018: Weekend in Jacumba
2019: Weekend in Julian
2011: Weekend in Julian
2018: Weekend in LA
2017: Weekend in LA
2023: Weekend in LA
2012: Weekend in Maui
2017: Weekend in Minnesota
2018: Weekend in Palm Desert
2020: Weekend in Palm Desert
2017: Weekend in Palo Alto
2020: Weekend in Santa Barbara
2014: Weekend in Sedona
2011: Weekend in Tucson
2015: Weekend in Vegas
2011: Weekend in Victoria
2009: Weekend in the Cascades
2007: Weekend on San Juan Island
2019: Weekend on the Colorado River
People: Weinhold, Rebecca
2025: Whale watching
2011: Whale watching from Dana Point
2012: Whale watching from Mission Bay
2012: Whale watching from Mission Bay, round two
2010: Whidbey Island weekend
People: White, Teddy
2022: White-lined Sphinx
People: Wilkinson, Luke
2010: Willamette Shakespeare
People: Williams, Anne
People: Williams, Catherine
People: Williams, Jay
People: Williams, John
People: Williams, Katie
People: Williams, Rachel
People: Williams, Ruth Eckels
2003: Wine tasting party
2020: Winter solstice
2016: Holiday trip: Wisconsin
2005: Christmas: Wisconsin
2008: Christmas: Wisconsin trip
People: Wisniewska, Maggie
People: Wolf, Cheryl
People: Wong, Jennifer
People: Wong, Nicole
2019: Work trip to Atlanta
2018: Work trip to New Orleans
2017: Work trip to New Orleans
People: Wzorek, Joe
People: Wzorek, Liz (Shrader)
2003: Yakima Valley
2005: Yakima/Kennewick trip
College (1996 - 2000): 1996 - 1997 (Freshman year): Yan can cook
House stuff: Yard stuff
People: Zamcheck, Randy
People: Zeller, Kate
People: Zoe
Misc photography stuff: Zoe eye view
2015: Zoe's birthday
2006: Zoe's dental recovery
2020: Zoo reopening
People: Zuniga, Ricardo
2004: eWorld
2004: nCourse meal
People: von Muench, Carrie