Group shot

In the slot

In the slot

The hot trek back

Approaching the high point

Sitting around the campfire

Mike doing some scrambling

One more grove

Back at camp, playing some darts

Ready to hit the real trail

Upwards toward Bertha Peak

Break time

Reverse jailbreak to free the recycling

High wire act

Our home for the weekend

Sunday hiking crew

Victory poses

Insulated for warmer hands

Going for a scramble

Mike at the peak

Back of the bus

Getting more animated

All pretty at the first stop

Table 3

Mike swoops in

Outside at Cougar

Getting rowdy

Bob pontificates


The gentlemen

The gentlemen




Getting crazy

Group shot

Group shot

Guys shot

Guys shot

Post-photo milling about

1:1:1 wrestling

Another takedown

Dance floor

Untying for the handoff

Sipping to finish the race

Mike stays low

Slipping away

The full crew

The full crew

The guys

The guys

Stina and Mike

Mike and John


The whole crew

The ladies

The guys

The birthday boy emerges

In the underground viewing area

In the pool

Noodle attack

Conga line

Ready for dinner

Big 40 cake

Mike and his red flag

Gangnam style

Setting out

At the other end of the canyon

Starting to narrow

Ascending the state property

Putting the finishing touches on Frosty

Micro snowman

Setting out

Let the routefinding begin

Lunching at Alcoholic Pass

Getting hungry

Packing up

Under attack

Trudging downwards

Mike and Jon

Mike and me

Waiting for the grillables

Hanging on the planter box

Fishing buddy

Rigging up the gear

Behind the scenes at Micro Bear's Instagram shoot

Just about dinner time

Final prep

We found the rails

Into the darkness

Inspired by the sign

Group shot

Starting the return hike

Up on top

Our hosts announce the prizes

The group!

The group!

The group!

Gathering the horde

Pinning on the ribbon

Dance party

Riddler attack

Rosie announces the winners

The whole crew

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Group shot #3

Group shot #5

Group shot #6

Checking out the turret

Victory at the flag pole

Taking a break

All aboard

Breakin' the law

Free hot spring

Getting the party underway

Mike pontificates

Pensive Jim, tired Mike

Mike digs in

Closing down the night

Ready to hike

Checking out Barker Dam

Up on the top

Those who stuck around for afternoon hiking

Going for a ride

Mike and Stina unload their cargo

Let the games begin

Mike goes karaoke

70s Mustang Mike

70s swimwear fashion show

Mike and his duck friend

Dead but expelling bubbles

Questional instruction

Starting the flip-flop hike

Heading down the slot canyon

Turning around

Loading up the pumpkin

Reassembled and ready for the range

Clearing out

Waiting for the signal

Can target, fully prepped

Close range

The guys and an arm

Doors open for a little too long

Mike and the .357

Jump start

Prepping to launch


Working on the first cabinet door

Coming out in chunks

Dust in the air

Victory beer

Trying to keep warm outside

The bocce players and groupies

Tossing the other way

Watching the roll

On the fly

Hiding behind the sandwich

The whole group attempting to get aligned

Maximum presentability

Now for some fun

Our neighbor table

Dessert arrives

Waiting in line

Enjoying some tasting at winery #2

Chocolate wine, in the foreground

Hanging on


Out front

Murray looks skeptical

Trivia reactions

Weekend crew

Approaching the high point


Up on the point

Living the good trailer park life

Cigar time

Momentary calm

Following Mike upstream

Firing up the barbie

Scope out the arsenal

Checking out the terrain

Posing at the top

A little more perspective

Setting up targets

Aiming for the rotor

Shooting the plate

Taking aim


Fire pit in action

Can and rock

Group shot

Quick banking stop

Almost gone

Set up for the fire

Pausing at the bench

Checking out the artillery

Looking down the barrel

Taking in the water level

Victory beer

Up with the Jeep

Trying out the new .357 in the late afternoon sun

Taking aim

We're in the water

Heading up river

Behind the wheel

Slicing the corner

Faster, please


Navigating the sand bars

Piloting home

Our cruise director

Stina and Mike

In the muck



Keeping it classy


Sun on the horizon

Lunch on the grill

Horsefly sharpshooter

Number 8

Fishing bait

Heading downriver

Zoe getting some much needed attention in the back

On the move

Armada of two boats

Watching for sand bars in ambush

Popping up on the first run

Navigating the sand bars from the ski

Carving a corner

Crossing the wake

Holding on

Back around the other side

Elbow tow

Big spray

Fnishing up the run

Heading back to camp

Walking the sand bar

Almost time to pack up

Ready for more gear

Packing up

Heading back home

Looking for the next sand bar

Relaxing morning

More skiing

Banking left

Dean at the wheel

Ready for another run

Carving another corner

In the spray

Mike and Stina heading back for the other campers

The rest of the gang arrives

A little horseshoes

Almost ready for happy hour

Sitting down to dinner

Pilot of the beast

Getting acquainted

El Pescador and Jack get the thumbs up

Karate Kid

Getting fresh with the first Joshua Tree

Up at the top

Rock armchair with a view

More scrambling

Seated dancing

Enjoying the sun and water

Delayed arrival

Looking a bit beleagered