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Schievelbein, Betty
Photographer: Josh Eckels
Don't need to keep the secret any more
Still surprised
Settling in
Out in the pool
Out in the pool
A quick card game
Making a wish
The full group at William and Mary
Cheers, again!
Now for cake
Smooch on the water taxi
Boat ramp
Saying hello
A break from our tour
Getting underway
Returning to the Keys
In Bozeman with the Schievelbeins
Other end of the table
Applying lotion, or slapping - take your choice
All the young people
Two tiers
The whole crowd
Lounging ladies
Looping back
In front of the tree
One more
Fixing up the model
Suggesting alternate strap configuration
Trying again
Enjoying the show
New napkins from Italy
On to the next
What could it be?
Yellow purse!
White purse!
On the ride back
Lazy return home
Crusing through the channels
Being amused by the pelicans
New Year's Eve
Adding the photographer to the mix
Cartful of troublemakers
New Year's Day
Alternate angle
Beans in the air
Betty fires back
Highly unusual vertical tossing style
Pre-dinner photo
The obligatory silly shot
In front of the orchid tree
Inspector Betty approves
Enjoying the spray and wind on the Point
Heading out on a big boat
Hello down there
Betty relaxing on the bench
Taking a break from the duties
Soaking up the sun
Nearing the end of our cruise
New speaker paired and in operation
A friendly card game
Enjoying the rejuvenated hot tub
Tom and Betty
Family shot
Giving some direction
All five of us
Finishing the prep
The horde descends
Out on the deck
The whole gang
Packed in
Domino Park
Out for a Christmas cruise
Getting close to the front of the line
Heading up
A wide variety of emotions
Stretched hand holding
The survivors
Not ready to ride again
Already reminiscing on the ride
In the shade
Coming back in
Onto the air boat
Family lineup
All in blue
Schievelbein family
Now for some wrestling moves
Awaiting the tortoises
Tempting the beast
More romaine
Out in the enclosure
The crunchy bit
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.