A fridge full of fun

Do not adjust your monitor, the colors are as intended

PacMan and Ms PacMan cookies

Fresh bread

A gentle pull on the ear

Beer, anyone?

Emory, all decked out with piano tie

Fleeing from Zoe

Quizzical on the couch

Pinky licking good

Straining against the Jello

So tasty

Ready to play


Demonstrating the proper grip

Reclaiming the baby

A lovely couple

Checkerboard nails

Dance party in the kitchen

Quincy in the middle of it all

Do you recognize any of these characters?

More petting, please

Nap time

A tableful of food, mostly candy

Best costume award

Best hair award

Helping to open

A Ring Pop!

The taste of victory

Momentary dance break

Taking off with the doll

Chewing on the doll

Nice looking jacket

Another round


Down the hatch

So good

Varied reactions