Home - People - Williams, Anne

Photographer: Various

Inking up the roller

Rosy-cheeked Max

Out at Coyote Hills

Taking the other side of the loop

Taking a short break

A member of the clean plate club

Hanging out by mom and dad

Keeping an eye on Ruth

Chowing down

Waiting to depart

On the ferry

Ruth on the zebra

Switching up the animals

Attracting a crowd

Table in progress

Final prep in the kitchen

Chat #1, already in progress

Stuffed glassware

All wrapped up

Geeky blanket

Everyone expect poor Max

The assembled crowd

Lots of Eckels

Anne looks a bit dubious

Waiting for more presents

Let the carnage begin

Waiting to see what they draw

Happy Max

Marna explains the ins and outs of the house

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Glare and smile

The whole crew

Ruth in hat

A little help with the toothpaste

Anne takes a turn

Arming up

And they're off

A relatively sedate Christmas-observed

Sitting down for the meal

Getting suspicious

A touch upset for a moment

Grab bag, in progress

Ruth takes her turn

Hawking the cash

The crew, arrayed as they should be

Everyone, including those now partially hidden

Unpacking the loot

Sitting down to the holiday meal

Cookie time

The whole gang

The whole gang, one with a fun hat

Prepping to open stockings

Stocking inspectors hard at work

The full crew

Synchronized unwrapping

The whole gang

Parental getaway

Watching another opening

Ready for the special gift

A little tickling

Learning of the full gift

The second round

The whole gang

Seven out of eight looking at the camera isn't too bad

Gathered in the rental house

Pizza dinner

The rowdies one row back

Under the bean

Missing a few teeth

Chatting after dinner


Waiting for the streetcar


Eating from rectangular plates

The gang (minus the sleeping Ruth)

Checking out the action on the street

Turning attention back inside

Wading off Coronado

Ready for food

The whole lineup

Ever so slightly goofier

Checking out the fancy 3D printer

Prepping to hit the trail

Sprinting ahead

Near our turn-around point

Slightly less sunny

Hot but happy kids

Big smile from Max

Finishing the march

Oddly, the exit sign points to the top of the monument

Strolling around in the sun

The bikers approach!


Checking out the view

Ending almost in Mexico after starting in Canada

Triumphant finish

Disassembling the gear

Boarding the Skyfari

Squashing a penny

Mostly happy Max

Ready to chow down

Prepped to chomp

Everybody lined up



Waiting for lunch


Finishing a sensible early lunch

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

Lucas and Anne's grand entrance

Everyone gets situated

Ring exchange

Bring out the Fruit by the Foot

Lucas begins his vows

More vows

A brief pause

Anne reads her vows

Consulting the script

Consuming the cord

Consuming the cord

Moving into a kiss...

Farewell fruit snack, hello married life

Bringing out the official documents

Anne takes her turn

Watching with anticipation

Anne wondering if she'd let Lucas do that to his hair again

Surveying the scene

Anne opens her gift

A loving, recently married neck pinch

Planning logisitics for the reception

The wedding party

They're already a little loopy

Bare feet on the bride...

Marital bliss

Explaining some of the subtler points of the ceremony

Checking out the handkerchief

Anne and Rachel

The Williams ladies

Couple and Anne's parents

Couple and Anne's parents, with flash

Couple and Lucas's parents

Lucas, Anne, and Anne's grandparents

All the kiddies

The newly married couple

Towering bride

Opening up the cake

The calm before the storm


A serene slicing moment

The first dainty handful of cake

Blissful ignorance

The moment of realization

Down the hatch

Lucas returns the favor

Nice two-handed technique

The kiss just serves to further smear the cake

Basking in the red glow

Playing with the cats

Enjoying the shaded sun


Time for some real cooking

Present intermission

Max being a big kid

Pulling cookies

The whole gang

Two seconds later

Grab bag time

Maisie being a bit shy

Time to steal?

Sharing the loot

Relaxing in a family pile


Wandering the park

Staying clear of the dino

Tandem sliding preparations

Going for a solo slide

Homeowners in swanky new kitchen

Yard work, post-storm

Working the chopsticks

The whole gang

Me and my extended family

Lucas and Anne

North base

Ice cream break #1

Waiting for brunch

Group photo

Group photo

Dinner time

Living room dining

The whole gang

Just a touch silly

Munching on the bench

Sticking it out in the sun

The crowd gets ready to change

Waiting for the action

Posing at the fence

Anne looking pumped

Anne at the far end of the carnage


The heart of the gift

D&E arrive

The largest dinner of the gathering

The full group


Please see individual photos for copyright information.