Home - People - Moll, Dan

Photographer: Various

Bride-to-be at dinner

D&E at dinner

Dessert in the park

Wandering the gardens

In search of lunch

Awaiting some pizza

D & E

Eyeing the table

D and E

Linking up with the Massachusetts contigency

Arranging the grab bags

Sam's turn

Everyone expect poor Max

The assembled crowd

Lots of Eckels

Uncle D about to open a present

Trivial Pursuit

Post-game chatting

Round two begins

Presents, round #2


Group shot #1

Group shot #2

The whole crew

Uncle D and Dad

Carefully pondering the next guess

Mom in matching hat

A touch upset for a moment

Max, android inspector

The crew, arrayed as they should be

Everyone, including those now partially hidden

Sitting down to the holiday meal

At the big table

Inspecting the calendars

The whole gang

The whole gang, one with a fun hat

The full crew

Adding layers

Watch out, Ruth!

Sitting down for dinner

From the other end of the tables

The whole gang

Explaining the complex rules

At Gasworks Park

Tending to the demanding dogs

At the house in DC

Ruth and Max take charge

The horde descends

The whole gang

The photographers at work

The whole lineup

Ever so slightly goofier

At the rental house

Eagerly awaiting the parade

Watching the parade

Watching the soaking

The croquet match begins

Sitting in the chat driver's seat

Gathering to eat

The other table

Family shot, try 1

Family shot, try 2

Family shot, try 3

Post-dinner, post-grab bag

Watching Maisie and Brendan

Gathered in the living room

Long table for lunch

Dark glasses

Saturday night dinner

Taking in the Fruit by the Foot photos

The spectators

Uncle D and Dad

The whole gang

Two seconds later

Grab bag time

Family section

Me and my extended family

Old married folks, skeptical

One for the reader

Watching somebody else do their unwrapping

D&E arrive

The largest dinner of the gathering


Please see individual photos for copyright information.