Hats on, ready to party
Britt shops Betty around
Strolling on the slopes
Paul takes in the cooking chaos
Psyching up for dessert
General bemusement
Not quite sure what to make of the cake
A bit bright
Lunch rock
Lots of cooks
New Jersey survivors reunion
Paul and Jeni playing the Mexican Train version of dominoes
Paul and Jeni
Hatless Paul
Paul and Jeni, unaware of the dangers lurking above
Gradually learning about their presumed predator
Seven out of eight looking at the camera isn't too bad
Appetizers are served
Chance encounter with Paul and Jeni
Mike pontificates
Pensive Jim, tired Mike
Getting ready to order
Done eating
Nicely framed, Don
Bob recreates the attack
Closing down the night
Ready to hike
Taking the view
Relaxing in the sun
Those who stuck around for afternoon hiking
Gadi's, less crowded than the saloon
Room to ourselves
Dan and Paul relax with some Playstation and a soothing breeze
Ethan and Paul
Watching the water critters
Wandering at Liberty Station
Showing off the new tatoos
Paul and Jeni, at the spot of their engagement
Most of the groomsmen, milling about
Chaos in the staging area
Mostly lined up
Heidi and Paul
Reading one, i carry your heart with me, ee cummings
Me and the groomsmen
Overlooking the Potomac
Overlooking the Potomac
Stylish, comfortable eyewear
At the Great Falls overlook
Checking out El Gaucamole
Munching on the bench
Shade at last
Post-meal conversation
The early wakeup catches up with Paul and Jeni
Ready to rip in
Frenzied opening
The crowd gets ready to change
Dressing room
All set
Last minute checks
Starting the processional, take one
At the ready
Ready to go inside
Anne looking pumped
Big grins from Paul
Paul and Jeni
Carefully pondering the candle placement
Lighting up the cake
Sam hacks off a second serving
Paul and the gentle kitty