Home - People - Williams, Ruth Eckels

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Ruth savors the last birthday cupcake

Inking up the roller

Rolling out the ink

Inflating her fancy new dress over the heat vent

The four-year-old on the trail

Taking the other side of the loop

Taking a short break

A bit wary of all the crazies

Hanging out by mom and dad

Getting lovingly manhandled

Keeping an eye on Ruth

Ruth heads back over

Chomping on some watermellon

Chowing down

Waiting to depart

On the ferry

A perfect fit, with a few fingerprints

Ruth on the zebra

Switching up the animals

Attracting a crowd

Soaking wet

Mobile drying rack

Arranging the grab bags

Ruth watches over the process

Ruth up close

Hamming it up

Everyone expect poor Max

New cat shirt for Ruth

Modeling her new accessories

Marna's new hat

Ruth and Maisie

Riding the new trolley

Ruth takes advantage of the trolley's sunroof

Ruth supervises

Ruth looms

The assembled crowd

Lots of Eckels

Gathering cookies

Stocking delivery

Oma and Ruth

Opening the gate

Peeking out

More presents - space book!

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Handing out numbers for the grab bag

Ruth on the go

Ruth and her new circuit kit

The whole crew

The grab bag begins

Max hops up for a bit

Ruth in hat

A little help with the toothpaste

Almost ready for bed

Baklava chefs in action

Chomping on cereal

About to give chase

Ruth and Max go to work

A team effort

Excited to snap

Cookie gathering

Stacy's leg stash

Prepping the holiday table

Sitting down for the meal

Grab bag, in progress

Ruth takes her turn

The crew, arrayed as they should be

Everyone, including those now partially hidden

Ruth takes the stage

Ruth sings for the group

Max, stocking-deliverer

Unpacking the loot

Sitting down to the holiday meal

At the big table

The whole gang

The whole gang, one with a fun hat

Parceling out the next batch of cookies

Pink and green

Stocking inspectors hard at work

New Zealand note pad

Prepping the paratroopers for their first mission

Unwrapping without unwrapping

The full crew

Apologizing for dis-arming the monkey

Synchronized unwrapping

Watch out, Ruth!

Masterminds at work and play

Ruth chomps into an apple

Unwrapping the Boogie Board

Choosing carefully

The whole gang

Ruth gets her nails done

Lots of pink

Chowing at Culver's

At the house in DC

Ruth and Max take charge

Out on the deck

Ruth and Max

New lion necklaces

The whole gang

On the metro

Getting rowdy


Ruth sprinting around the playground

Slowing for a moment

Considering her options

Whipping around

Max getting pinned to the back of his seat

Seven out of eight looking at the camera isn't too bad

Layering on the paint to spin

Trying another one, with a little less paint

The artist and her work

Gathered in the rental house

Pizza dinner

The rowdies in our row

Running in the fountain

Still pretty dry

Under the bean

Post-dinner concert

Fully choreographed

Time to stop singing apparently

Missing a few teeth

Waiting for the streetcar

Ruth acting coy

Sprinting down the pier


Let the video chat madness begin

Sandals going on and off

Conveient reigns

Trying on some new outfits

Done with the new outfit


A very pink chef

Having fun

No more hat, please

Eating from rectangular plates

Well rested

Checking out the action on the street

Turning attention back inside

Wading off Coronado

Ruth awaiting lunch

Hanging with Summer Games

Ready for food

The whole lineup

Ever so slightly goofier

Checking out the fancy 3D printer

Playing in the dorm bed

Prepping to hit the trail

Rosy-cheeked and ready for action

Near our turn-around point

Slightly less sunny

Hot but happy kids

Big smile from Max

Already done, after taking the steep road

The bikers approach!


Full of energy after the ride

Ruth and Oma

Changed into civilian clothes

Checking out the view

Ending almost in Mexico after starting in Canada

Triumphant finish

Dance party at the park

Wandering the zoo

Cuddling with the bears

Squashing a penny

Happy Ruth

Ready to chow down

Prepped to chomp

Everybody lined up

Gathered in the living room

So relaxed

Finished eating


Towards the end of the tour

Ready to disembark

Waiting for lunch

Backyard afternoon sun

Ready for cornhole?

Cruising in

Saturday night dinner

Being patient with the little ones

Maisie and Ruth

Ruth and Maisie

Finishing a sensible early lunch

Ruth and Malcolm

Sunday afternoon


Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

Ruth on the loose

Lucas the father

Cadet Ruth

Relatively happy to meet her uncle

Playing with the cats

Doing OK being held by the intruder

Still happy

Enjoying the shaded sun

Thinking green

Looking up


Naked baby attack

Preparing to pounce

The attack

Playing in her jumper

Somewhat drooly

Bounce bounce bounce


Hello down there

Ruth is amped

Now for some gymnastics

Showing off the purple hair

Almost a teenager

The full assembly line

Ruth in the lead

Discrete peanut deliverer

Up on the couch

Math apparel

Present intermission

Pulling cookies

The whole gang

Two seconds later

Time to steal?

Sharing the loot

Relaxing in a family pile

Ruth is walking too

Who needs the contents, the box is just as fun

String cheese!

Empty but still compelling

Making a call



Looking a little worn out


Sunday finery

Dress turned pantaloons

Wandering the park

Staying clear of the dino

Tandem sliding preparations

Look out below

Going for a solo slide

Devil duck riding

Busting out the Snap Circuits

Snap snap

Collaborative circuit building

Connect Six

Rounding the bend

Full speed ahead

Down the pole

Wild hair

Scooting about

Eagerly awaiting lunch

Mid-afternoon lounging

Story time, again

More books

The whole gang

North base

Lucas on Lucas Ave

Ice cream break #1

Pizza party

Waiting for brunch

Group photo

Group photo

Dinner time

Ruth story time

Ruth-powered transport

Chalk talk

Play time

The photographer has been discovered

Testing the spot for the group shot

The whole gang

Just a touch silly

Playing the bubble game

Dual screen time

Ruth and Stacy compare footwear

Trying it on

Setting up for dinner

Happy at the table


Dining under way


Carefully mointoring the situation

Let the rampus begin

Story time

The largest dinner of the gathering

The full group



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.