Home - 2005 - Danelle's move-in

Photographer: Josh Eckels

My initial pile of stuff to donate

Attack of the killer box

Box spring, reconstituted once again

Deflating the green orb

Zoe ready for some exciting moving action

Zoe wants to be packed too

Detached ramp

U-Haul at its finest

U-Haul at its finest

"Take care of this equipment and it will take care of you." Indeed


Something's offended Britt's delicate sensibilities

Isn't moving a lot of fun?

Jess' magestic pose

Zoe playing with Britt

Zoe playing with Britt

Lisa waits for the bartenders

Time for a little R&R

Don't touch Britt's drink

Meal in progress

No scalping for Britt

Zoe plays fetch with herself

Lisa shows off her wedding face

Mandy busts out her camera too

Pouty Britt

Beck in front of the nice new paint

Mandy getting sick of all the cameras

Slimy ball


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.