Home - People - Barlo, Kathleen

Photographer: Various

Barlo and Nicole on the trampoline at Doyle's house

Barlo, Nicole, Charlie, Liz, James, Randy, and Doyle at Doyle's house

Randy, Liz, and Barlo at Doyle's house

Barlo, Nicole, me, Doyle, Randy, Liz, Charlie and James at Doyle's house

At the wedding reception

At the wedding reception

At the wedding reception

Barlo inspects Great America photos

Barlo's fierce competitive bowling edge shows

James, Barlo, and John at the alley

Barlo prepares for bowling

Barlo after one Corona

Barlo after one Corona

The Allison softball team: Todd, Todd, Nicole, Luke, Barlo, Brian, Cheri, and Damian

Cheri, Barlo, and Brian bleeding all over the hallway

All of us dressed in our finery

Barlo playing with the camera

Barlo and me at the lakefill shortly before graduation

Barlo and me at the lakefill shortly before graduation

Barlo, me, and Kelly after the big ceremony

Barlo, me, and Kelly after the big ceremony

Brian, James, Barlo, Mark, Summer, and Snake sitting around at Great America

Barlo and John prepare for some serious bumping

Light up the City, Spike and Barlo after the fireworks

Barlo having a good time packing up her room

Barlo feeling all high and mighty

Pumpkin carving party, pre-carving: Snake, Brian, Spike, Barlo, John, James

Pumpkin carving party, Spike awake, Barlo napping

College reunion

Barlo removing the loft in her room

Spike crushing Barlo

Barlo. Need I say more?

Barlo enjoys some bread

Spike, Barlo and me on the ill-fated six pack night

Later that night

Spike, Barlo and me on the ill-fated six pack night

Barlo does some exciting work

Ryan, Spike, Barlo (shown yawning), me and Mark in Bath

Barlo and Chryssi in Bath

Mark, Spike, Ryan, Chryssi, and Barlo at the Roman Baths in Bath

Barlo and Chryssi kiss the bear

Spike, Ryan, Chryssi, and Barlo enjoy a shower together

Chryssi and Barlo at Caerfilly (sp?) Castle

Chryssi and Barlo take a nap on the bus

Mark, Chryssi, Spike, Barlo, Ryan and me at Stonehenge

Chryssi in the background, Spike and Barlo with banana Runts, and Ryan enjoying the view

Spike, Chryssi and Barlo enjoy the peaceful boat ride

Barlo and me

Barlo, Chryssi, Spike, Ryan, and Mark do some fine dining

Barlo and her sign

Spike, Barlo, Mark, Ryan, and Chryssi on a rock with Eurotrash playing "baseball" in the background

Me, Barlo, Chryssi, Spike, Mark, and Ryan in Oxford

Chryssi, Spike and Barlo having fun punting in Oxford

Barlo feeds some birds

Barlo and I enjoy some beer

Spike, Chryssi, and Barlo at their favourite book publisher's

Most of 3 East gathered for the Superbowl

Most of 3 East gathered for the Superbowl


Please see individual photos for copyright information.