Home - People - Howatt, Andrew

Photographer: Josh Eckels

In camp


In the slot

In the slot

Approaching the high point

Time to load up the packs

Ready to hit the trail

Break on the way up

Big laughs

Two miles in

A very sad picnic table

Now for a downhill section

Here comes the cooking platform

Packing up after breakfast

Packs lighter after drinking most of the water

Time to depart

Rounding the corner

Pausing at the road intersection

One more by the road crossing

Lined up

Killing time at Inland Center Mall while the car charges

Back in the corner

All pretty at the first stop

Tasting begins

Thoughtful sipping

Next stop: Cougar

Done dining, now sipping

Outside at Cougar

Front of the bus

Sensible evening wear

Paul approves

The gentlemen

The gentlemen




Getting crazy

Rebecca and Andrew, in their traditional attire

Male costume winner

Dinner prep in progress

The master craftsman at work

Gearing up for the morning hike

Treking along

Up to the ridge

Ditching the telescope

Red dirt trail

Dropping non-backpacks at the hotel

Fuel for the first day on the trail

Hitting the trail

Trudging down the trail, thankful for the overcast skies

A campfire, when backpacking, in California!

Socks recovered from the fox thieves

On the trail to Starlight Beach

Up on the top of the ridge

Checking out the hole

Ready to catch the Cyclone back to Avalon

Checking the fox distance

On a boat!

About to set sail

Moderate speed

Pausing during the ascent

Up and away

At the peak

Andrew getting roasted for Chris's birthday

The group, part 2

Hanging on the planter box

Happy at the summit

Starting our conquest of El Cajon Mountain

Final step at the top

After lunch

Andrew taking in the lake

If you're not first, you're last

The group!

The group!

The group!

Hook and Peter Pan

The whole crew

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Group shot #3

Group shot #5

Group shot #6

View to the south frmo the top

Checking out the turret

Descending into the unwanted valley

At the table at last

Joshua Tree Saloon

Done eating

Closing down the night

Ready to hike

Those who stuck around for afternoon hiking

Room to ourselves

Strategizing on the sink cabinet

Sweeping up some of the drywall carnage

Getting our bearings

Snack time

Ants on a log

Out in the dry, dry mountain air

About to cross the dam at the foot of Big Laguna Lake

Taking a break

Taking in the view

Readying to move out

Heading down

Pre-dinner drinks


Celebrating the start of the trip

On the plane, starting to make trouble

The people stuck in the middle start to wish for new seats

Waiting for our tents to clear the stinkbug inspection

Andrew and Moses

Sniffing the flowers

Inside our rental at the Star Queens Serviced Apartments

Still awake!

Settling in at the Sugar Club

Something to see!

Time to exercise the daypacks

Karangahake Tunnel Walk

Working the rails

Andrew's favorite bridge so far

Off to see Huka Falls

The very green Lake Ngakoro

Decked out in green

Beers at lunch

Lunch has arrived!

Boarding the gondola

In the gondola car

At the top of the gondola ride

Helmets on for safety!

Returning to base

Final ride down

Rounding the bend

Rebecca in the lead

Fun in the dirt

On the way down

Keeping warm

Waiting for our first flight

Our neighbors

Back in San Diego, feeling fresh

Thinking about taking a dip

Quick stop at the falls

Into the Polynesian Spa

Checking out the shore of Lake Taupo

Late afternoon light

In front of Mt Doom, about to embark

Trudging up, trying to get warm

Getting resituated

Rebecca and Andrew

At our high point

About to descend toward the Blue Lake

Crater lineup

Entering some switchbacks

In the woods, trying to make the earlier shuttle

Done and with beer!

Looks like we're in for a wait

In the lounge, trying to get the WiFi to work

First wine-tasting stop

Outdoor sipping

Two great looking guys

Sitting down for a great meal at Urban in Nelson

Happy we didn't miss the departure

Unloading from the water taxi at Anchorage

Taking stock of the gear

Ready to depart

Crossing Torrent River

Getting some gravity assistance

No more than 5, please, for crossing Falls River

Bark Bay, with campsites in the background

A-plus shell discovery

Tonga Quarry area

Precious cargo

Watching the dismount skeptically

Enjoying the beach

Serving up the feast

Boots on!

On the move again

Getting ready to traverse Awaroa Bay at low tide

Walking the shoreline

Testing the waters

Fending off the sandflies

Nice lazy start to the morning

Pausing in the field

Pause to drop off some other passengers

Drinks have arrived

And now food!

Late-afternoon reading time

The South Island's longest swing bridge


Fortuntately not flooded now

Ready to launch


Arms out

Gliding in

Thinking it's time to slow down


Hopping in the boats

Paddling up river

Super lush

Working against the current

Bouncing around

Walking over the rocks

Turnaround point

Much easier going with the current!

Winding downstream

Navigating the rapids

Sun dropping behind the ridge

One more section to drag through

Sunset rapidly approaches

Incoming spelunkers

Pancake stacks at Pancake Rocks

In front of the swinging bridge

Heading to the tower

On the bouncy cantilevered section

Gear that won't be worn by us today

Taking in the waterfall

Soaking up the drizzle

At the end of the trail

Beers at lunch

Suiting up for the flight

Tromping through the swamps

Back on the gravel path

Teamwork on the puzzle

Picnic spot at the visitor center

Skipping rocks

Looking for the perfect skipping rock

Probably getting devoured by sandflies

A really substantial swing bridge

Back to the car

Wandering downtown Wanaka

Roasted lamb for dinner

Andrew being driven insane by the crooked squares

Winding our way to Glenorchy

Stopping for the key lockbox at Trackhopper

Picnic spot for lunch

All nice and dry

Crossing the Route Burn (the river)

Tramping like pros

Under the limit

Poking around the meadow

Our campsite, and kitchen shelter

Lazy afternoon

Nice and sunny. For now.

Wandering the flats

Sitting by the river

Escaping the sandflies

Chowing down

Packing up and enjoying the shelter

Ready and pumped

Climbing toward Lake Harris

Taking refuge in the Harris Shelter

The unrelenting rain

So warm and dry

Hunkered down

Pausing at an overlook

Ready to be done

Shaking off the spray

Now one with me

About to jump on the first boat

Warm and dry on the boat

Boarding the vessel

Bubbly on board


Preferring the overhang

Enjoying the cruise

Cruising to our next spot

Shadowy figure in the penthouse

Peeping from the penthouse

New best friends

Free backrubs for crustaceans!

Cruising by

Checking out the cove

Emerging from the shore

And starting again

Booze cruising

All of us

Penguin seeking

Marmite taste test

Up on the top

Walking through touristland

A big kiwi

Waiting in the chaotic line for ice cream

Champion of the giant pretzel

Packs on and ready to move

The descent begins

Hiking down the canyon

Another clearing

Stream crossing

A bit of uphill

Trailhead almost sited

Our non-campsite at the trailhead

Fine dining al fresco

Taking a breather

Refilling water

Shady lunch spot

Beers all around

Trying to keep warm outside

Rebecca and Andrew

The whole group attempting to get aligned

Maximum presentability

Now for some fun

In our dinner tent

Waiting for the next course

Dessert arrives

Waiting in line

Enjoying some tasting at winery #2

Andrew and Rebecca

Quick stop at the overlook

At the top of Garnet Peak

Andrew at the top


Assessing the quiz results

Assessing the results

Approaching the winner announcement

Getting an autograph

Hitting the trail

Rebecca and Andrew

Hoping the humans return alive

Andrew supervises the construction project

Keeping it classy


Sun on the horizon

Sitting down to dinner

Zoe getting some much needed attention in the back

Watermellon slicing demonstration

The windup

Prepare to meet your doom, mellon


Going for another, blade glinting in the sun

Perfectly portioned

Offering a taste to a skeptical Zoe

Watermellon water for Tesla


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.