Home -
2012 -
Weekend in Maui
Photographer: Josh Eckels

Our scenic lunching destination

Like Poke? lunch wagon

Rusted giant tanks

About halfway up Haleakala

First glimpse of the crater

Cloud layer off the side

Science City

Start of the Shifting Sands trail

Quite barren

Rusty soil

Eastern half of the crater

Full crater

Even fuller crater

Tenacious little plant

Secret stash of silversword

Getting closer to the silversword, found only on Haleakala

Very red soils

Small arch

Shadows swallowing the crater

Plenty of sand, but fortunately not much sliding

View from Kalahaku overlook

Descending into the clouds

Silversword up close

Sunset from above the clouds

Sunset from above the clouds

Convict tangs

Green sea turtle!

Making a getaway

Lively coral

Orangeband surgeonfish

Tim dives down for a closeup

Slate pencil urchins



Our soon-to-be-beach

Wild goat

Surfer memorial

Lava flows and Haleakala

Sand in the making

Rocky shores

Another wandering goat

Slithering vine

Waiting for sunset

Seaweed salad anyone?

Wind farm

McGregor Point lighthouse

A lone bottlenose dolphin

A break in the clouds

Molokini in the distance

Two humpback whales

Waving goodbye

Humped back

Here comes the pod

Swimming into the Molokini crater

Not the first to arrive


Pinktail triggerfish

Rather surly looking, don't you think?

Plenty of triggerfish

Rainbow wrasse

Another pinktail triggerfish

Orangeband surgeonfish

Yellow and convict tangs

Diving way down


Caitlin takes a dive

Me in the wetsuit top

Tim comes back in

Last to return to the boat

Leaving Molokini


Allegedly self-righteous non-profiteers

Entering Turtle Town

Puttering around

Paddling off

Our vessel


The boardwalk

Not many birds

Lahaina at night

White hibiscus flowers

Noni, a coffee relative

Noni buds

Waikamoi Falls

Tropical trees

Road to Hana

Ke'anae Valley, looking very primal

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.