The wedding party
They're already a little loopy
Sorting out what just happened
Bare feet on the bride...
... and on the groom
Marital bliss
The photographers wait in ambush
Explaining some of the subtler points of the ceremony
Checking out the handkerchief
General merriment
Anne and Rachel
Preparing the snackies
Lucas does his best to crush Peter
The Williams ladies
Skeptical Lucas
Freaked out Peter
The Eckels men
Couple and Anne's parents
Couple and Anne's parents, with flash
Couple and Lucas's parents
Lucas and Dad, looking happy
Lucas, Anne, and Anne's grandparents
All the kiddies
A little bubbly for anyone?
Basking in the glory of Pete's toast
Lucas, presumably extolling the virtues of married life
Relaxing before dinner
Mr. Footsie, if I recall correctly
NU and U of A flags