Liz enjoying a drink at Doyle's house
Barlo, Nicole, Charlie, Liz, James, Randy, and Doyle at Doyle's house
Randy, Liz, and Barlo at Doyle's house
Barlo, Nicole, me, Doyle, Randy, Liz, Charlie and James at Doyle's house
Liz sends her greetings
James and Liz dance a jig
Randy, James, and Liz discuss an intimate secret
More discussion
Liz examines the birthday cake
Charlie, Brian, Liz, Doyle, and Jeremy
Randy and Liz at Universal Studios
Me, Randy, and Liz in LA
Joe models the recently finished scarf
Randy, Liz, Josh, and Matt
Doyle, Liz and myself
Liz and James have a staring contest
Tim, Tom Budzik, Matt, Liz
James and Liz try to give Randy a wedgie
The wedgie, in progress
More wedgie lovin'
Post-wedgie celebrations