Home - 2024 - Mom and Dad's visit

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Lunch break at ArtWalk

Strolling in Carlsbad

Staying out the waves

Getting a little rockier

Late afternoon sun

All four of us

Erosion control

Capt. Frazier hawking his wares

About to dine at Campfire


Smores at the table

Getting ready for falconry

Say hello to Tig the great horned owl

Swivel head

Warming up to the crowd

Hacking up an owl pellet

A little spritz of water

Perched for a bit

Stacy says hello

Chewing away

A little bashful

Carefully perched

Bright yellow eyes

Ready for takeoff

Flying back to Denise

A little tidbit

Coming back

Low glide


Saying howdy


Tig and Kirk

Chowing down

Checking out the talons

Chilling with Tig

Staring straight ahead

Contemplating a new pet

Tig's not too excited about the camera

Mouse time

Tight grip

Don't take my mouse

About to chow down

Down the gullet

All puffed up

Nice ears

Yum yum

Staring with purpose

Habibi the lanner falcon

White underbelly

Habibi harasses a turkey vulture

Waiting for the 12 mile flight to wrap up

Coming in low

Protecting his catch

All mine!

GPS backpack

Chowing down

Making a mess

Happy to eat

Layered wing feathers

Losing a feather

Group shot

And he's off

Back again

Stacy's turn

Back to me

Meaningful eye contact

Ready to depart

Tail feathers

Leaning forward

Taking the plunge

Another takeoff

Coming back

Steam the harris hawk

The third and final raptor

Gazing back

Keeping a respectful distance

Intense stare

Soaring down the trail

In flight

Limbering up

Looking into the valley

Looking to and fro

3... 2... 1...


Coming back again

Another nice landing

Sneaking between the trunks

Soaring back

A quick walk

Flaring up

Saying hi

About to play catch

Going up for a catch

Eye on the prize

On target

Making the grab

Back in the tree

And back again

Looking at the catch

Firm grasp

Mouse tail

Taking a bow

Me and Steam


Our new friend

Back and forth

Exiting the group shot

Almost looking like a chicken

V shape

Bright yellow feet

Side eye

Generating some lift

To and fro

Short break

Full extension

Up up and away

A little afternoon Quirkle


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.