Home - People - Mooney, Kris

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Already relaxing

Chris and Kris

Staging things on the sidewalk

Final logistics

Time to load up the packs

Ready to hit the trail

Break on the way up

Two miles in

A very sad picnic table

Now for a downhill section

Here comes the cooking platform

Packing up after breakfast

Time to depart

Rounding the corner

PCT emblem

Pausing at the road intersection

One more by the road crossing

Lined up

Limoncello time

Back in the corner

The ladies

The ladies and our cruise director

Paul Hefner

Finally getting some respect

What a classy group




Getting crazy

Dinner prep in progress

Ready to move

Treking along

Up to the ridge

Red dirt trail

Fuel for the first day on the trail

Practicing in case of on-trail bison

Hitting the trail

Reading up on the proper protocols

Trudging down the trail, thankful for the overcast skies

Glamor shots

A campfire, when backpacking, in California!

Heading up on a day hike

Cooling off

Kris on Kris Rock

Double Kris Rock

Ready to catch the Cyclone back to Avalon

Also on a boat!

About to set sail

Moderate speed

Chris and Kris

Roasting up some marshmallows

In the distance

Proof of ascent

A few more minutes at the top

Andrew getting roasted for Chris's birthday

Waiting for the grillables

Hanging on the planter box


Short break

The group!

The group!

The group!

The whole group

Cockroach and Raid, pre-battle

Post battle

My trivia teammates

Most of the ladies

The whole crew

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Group shot #3

Group shot #5

Group shot #6

Cocktail hour lineup

Open floor



Stacy and Kris

Studying our competing maps

Snack time

Embarking on Sunset Trail, from the Meadows Trailhead

About to cross the dam at the foot of Big Laguna Lake

Taking a break

Readying to move out

Dinner and drinks

Breaking out the smokes

Kris and Chris


Best costume winners

Pre-dinner drinks


Fire pit before the rains

Quick stop at the overlook

Overlooking the desert

Approaching the summit

Kris and others in reflection

More ladies



Under the lights

Working the crowd

Trivia reactions

Hitting the trail

Rounding the bend at our high point

Turnaround spot

Crossing the bridge

Abbey Road version

Lunch spot

On the potato chip rock

Varying levels of risk tolerance


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.