Home - People - Kazarovich, Rosie

Photographer: Various

Ready to hit the real trail

Hanging out by the fire

Murray and Rosie

All pretty at the first stop

Into the vines

Table 3

Outside at Cougar

Time for the hats

Front of the bus

Sitting down for dinner

The dancing begins


The ladies

The ladies and our cruise director

Paul Hefner

Finally getting some respect

What a classy group




Getting crazy

Group shot

Group shot

Ladies shot



Post-photo milling about

1:1:1 wrestling

Another takedown

Ladies costume contenders

Costume vote

Voting continues


Rosie up on the deck

Katana and Goku

The ladies

The ladies

The ladies

The ladies, now complete

Poison Ivy and Katana

Funky eyes

Photos in the corner

Murray and Rosie

Rosie and Murray again

Slightly goofier

Ladies again

Uno with some twists

The group, part 2

Rosie, Gilbert, Isabel, and Murray

Rosie and Murray

Waiting for the grillables

Story time

Filling up

Quite the lineup

Our hosts announce the prizes

Rebecca wins!

The group!

The group!

The group!

Most of the ladies

Rosie, Esther, and Bill

Watching the video

Rosie announces the winners

Group shot #1

Group shot #2

Group shot #3

Group shot #5

Group shot #6

Mad grab for the bouquet

Break in the action


60s dining

Murray makes a break for it

All alone with Don

Murray returns




Joan and Peggy

A late-night snack

Deb and Ron, Rosie and Murray

The whole group attempting to get aligned

Maximum presentability

Now for some fun

Our neighbor table

Up on the porch

Rosie and Chris

Trivia reactions

Assessing the results

Approaching the winner announcement


Please see individual photos for copyright information.