Home - People - Garms, Lisa Voigt

Photographer: Various

Pinky licking good

Checkerboard nails

Nice looking jacket

Another round


Down the hatch

Varied reactions

Hauling out the sofa

Jess and Lisa meet Sam the cat

Lisa ripping up linoleum

Lisa ripping up linoleum in the entryway

Floor and door fun

Lisa and the chandelier, looking even better than normal

Lisa taping the dining room before painting

Lisa doing the top edging

Lisa and Jess on the top of the Astoria Column

Lisa, probably being licked by Zoe

Checking out Lenswork

Circling around

Lisa pops in to say hello

Bubbles to start the fun

Roman starts tearing around the living room, leaving Zoe to demand attention

Water from a grown-up glass

Getting a good grip on Zoe's snout

Gettin' fussy

Thrill time

Lisa dismounts

Down the twisty slide

Studying up on Bananagrams

Variously rolling styles in the water

Time to lose the pants

On the beach

Hula sphere

Shielding the Trivial Pursuit answers

Munchkin Cthulhu, anyone?

Beth getting a little help

My big foot, Lisa's tiny foot

Break time

Lisa prepares for the descent

Lisa's unique technique

Jess prepares for the disaster he promised

Jess fails to deliver on his promise

Roman and his horde of admirers

Lisa the angel

Puzzleman, UPS man, devil, and angel

A little pre-wedding driving

Lisa and the rib roast

Beck demonstrates her rapping skills

Lisa and Jess check out the presents

Bench neighbors

The first round of bubbly

The bench to my left

Lisa shows off her wedding face

Me and my horde of admirers

Lisa and Jess waiting for their turn to carve

Lisa and her The Cheat plans

Post-carving sleepies

More non-Amazon related relaxing

Jess prepares for the treat of a lifetime

Just seconds before the first taste

Jess is in Flavor Country

Jess savors the first bite

To quote Rob, "The mouth of the beast"

Finger-licking good

Rob takes a taste

Dan head-butts his salad

Roman takes a swig

Enjoying the pummeling

No shame

Hanging by a thread

Parental yawn #1

Parental yawn #2

Lisa and Megan all set for fireworks

Ready for a road trip

A tight fit

Here comes the cake

Trying to shield the flame

Lisa freezing to death in my dining room

Fist bump?

Nope, high-five instead

A little pre-murder strategizing

Lisa as Bella Donna as Debbie Gibson

Dan plots his next course

Entertaining Roman

Entertaining Roman

Working on Trogdor

Carol the butterfly, Lisa the tiger, and Chloe

Lisa and Chloe swig some pumpkin beer

Lisa drilling her poor little pumpkin. Outside, luckily

Devil and plainclothes devil

Soaking up the sun

Checking out the small wonder

Various stages of dinner

Jess and Lisa enjoy some hot chocolate on the trail

Jess and Lisa on the Iron Horse trail

Cocktail hour

Lisa after breaking the news

A more straightforward approach

Crab meat removal

More crab extraction

Still more crab work

Opening the belly of the beast

Pre-dinner sleepies

Post-dinner slouching

Lisa preparing course #2

More lobster wrestling

Lisa and Audrey give Jess funny looks

Finally a use for the dishwasher

Lisa perched on the dishwasher

Trying to coax the outlet off the baseboard

Crab time

A team unwrapping effort

It's a Baby Bjorn!

Baby placeholders

Jess and Lisa revel in the Baby Bjorn

Lisa and Jess

Megan, Tim, and Lisa on their wild stallions

More horseback riding

Riding into the canyon

Yet another picture on the trail

Mary Ann, Marna, Lisa, and Jess ready to eat some lamb

Lisa and Jess showcase their snowman

Prepping for departure

On to the safety training

The riders take their postions

On the line, Roman about to be passed

Getting closer

Pulling away

Coming in for a landing



Enjoying the shade on the deck

Lisa and Jess at Mt. St. Helen's

Intermission kitchen frenzy

Lisa and her new sense of fashion

The new family

Roman does something cute

Everyone's happy to have Roman out

Fully alert before the next snooze

Britt's highly anticipated introduction

Back to slumber time

A little squirming

Lisa, Jess, Rob, and a wooden octopus


Breakfast prep

Pre-breakfast lounging

Soaking in the sun and surf

Puzzle time

Sitting down to dinner

Some light reading after dinner

Everyone joins Roman on the floor for a tantrum

Tantrums are fun!

Sleepy smooching

Vineyard pose, year two

Blocks go up...

Blocks go down...

And up again

Jess, completely enamoured with the Red Bull-like can

Eager bystanders

Time for a better break

Better than the last one, at least

Lining up the shot

More looking

Fly patrol

Fly patrol getting serious

Skirting a spider web

Concerned faces underscore the gravity of the situation

On the little boardwalk

In the heat

Up close with a Joshua Tree

Sitting down to dinner

Across the bridge

Letting the engine cool

It begins

More carving

Jess cheers Lisa on

Mardee bathes her masterpiece

Making the rounds

Pre-carving strategizing

The table contingent

Detail work

Pumpkin everywhere

Post-carving relaxation

John unveils his bovine masterpiece

Cutting cement board to size

Lisa all pumped up for climbing

Lisa laughs at the wall

Lisa getting strapped in

Lisa on the wall

Unwrapping a present

A Wisconsin cow

Deploying the hood

Taste test

Done for now

The birthday boy isn't sure he likes all the commotion

Time to make a mess

Cake explosion

Playing with the cow

Restraining the beast

The story of the civet coffee, episode I, the background

The story of the civet coffee, episode II

The story of the civet coffee, episode III, the thrilling conclusion

In search of ostrich

Watching Dan's technique

Pretzels for all

At the end of the trail

All the hikers

Lisa and Jess on the trail

Finishing off a bottle

Roman, Jess, and Lisa

Rowdies in the backseat

Counting construction cranes

At Golden Gardens

Morning drumming

Jess displays his wrist

Rocking out

Pinned from behind

Lisa scrubs Jello gunk off a spoon

Each and every Jello shot gets special attention

Lisa and the adorable puppy cup

Lisa, ready to pounce

Lisa refuses to make eye contacts with the little Jello puck

The floor's a popular place to be

Dan escaping from the picture

Beth, Jess and Lisa at the table

Everyone drinking wine

Lunch in the trunk

Waiting for the incoming cars

But that one was fun

Reviewing the photos

Taking the next shot

Jess and Lisa ponder jumping from the very impressive bridge over Lower Twin Falls

Breaktime at the Iron Horse Trail

Jess pops the can of Qoo

Jess takes a sip of Qoo

Lisa tries not to spit out the Qoo

The gathering crowd awaits the start of the horror

Trying to erase the memory before it's fully formed

Forced gymnastics

Best man needs a flower too

Dinner time

Me, Lisa, and Jess on the top of a ridge

View from the top of the ridge


Please see individual photos for copyright information.