Home - 2024 - UK trip - Day 15 - West Highland Way to Fort William

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Haggis - the breakfast of champions

Museum for the former aluminium smelter

Alongside the River Leven again

Gnome convention

Trailhead for day three

Loch Leven

Climbing above Loch Leven


West Highland Way, day three (for us)

Peaks to the north

Orange, yellow, and green

Tigh-na-sleubhaich, a ruined cottage


Old equipment

Old equipment

Lichen-encrusted post

Getting rockier at the top

Water on the trail!

Another footpath

Momentary pause

Another cottage

Expansive views

Snack time

Don't let your dogs maul sheep, please. It's unpleasant for everyone

Spot where the pursuit after the Battle of Interlochy gave up. Give a stone or take a stone

Common frog sighting

Lochan Lunn Da-Brha

More clear cutting

First sight of Ben Nevis

Up and down

Crowding in

Lunch spot, with a view

Everyone gets a stump

Reunited with sheep

Rosebay willowherb, AKA fireweed

Buzz buzz

Tucked away

Passing through the fireweed

Other hikes atop Dun Deardail

Ben Nevis comes into focus

Dun Deardail 360 view

Up at Dun Deardail, built 2000 years ago, but burnt to the ground

Ben Nevis

Dun Deardail

West Highland Way

Ascending to Dun Deardail

Braveheart Car Park, coming right up

Switchbacked trail to Ben Nevis

A bit of fall color

Original end of the trail, but no longer

War memorial in Fort William

The Parade, Fort William

The Parade

Walking down High Street

Model T memorial to driving up Ben Nevis in 9 days


Solemn success

Helping with the foot rub

The real end of the West Highland Way

Furry bed at The Garrison

The rest of the suite at The Garrison

Keeping the stink outside

Sunset over Loch Linnhe

Highland fleet

Excellent Scottish appetizers

The entrees arrive

Successful dinner at The Tavern


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.