Linking up with the Massachusetts contigency
Sam's turn
Waiting for the next selection
Everyone expect poor Max
Maisie and mom
The assembled crowd
Lots of Eckels
Group shot #1
Group shot #2
The whole crew
Unveiling Newton's cradle
Sam as Steve Harvey, pointing to the board
Stocking discovery
A relatively sedate Christmas-observed
Sitting down for the meal
Grab bag, in progress
The crew, arrayed as they should be
Everyone, including those now partially hidden
Sitting down to the holiday meal
Cookie time
Working the blinkies
The whole gang
The whole gang, one with a fun hat
Prepping to open stockings
Stocking inspectors hard at work
The full crew
Cozy on the couch
Scary stuff
Max as center of attention
Sitting down for dinner
The whole gang
The whole gang
Gathered in the rental house
Pizza dinner
Waiting to board the boat
Newly engaged
Sandals going on and off
Conveient reigns
Done with the new outfit
Eating from rectangular plates
The gang (minus the sleeping Ruth)
Wading off Coronado
The non-snorkelers
The whole lineup
Ever so slightly goofier
Taking a break in Balboa Park
The engaged
Long table for lunch
Backyard afternoon sun
Ready for cornhole?
Saturday night dinner
Beach time!
Maisie, dubious but accepting
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4
On the Epic campus
Sam's corner office
Sam and Rachel on the street
Mom and Rachel, around but not on the new sofas
Home owners!
The full assembly line
Attempting to contain the sprinkles
Strolling along the path
Ruth in the lead
Discrete peanut deliverer
Testing the flashlight
Snack time
The third and final stuffy, a flamingo
Present intermission
Happy Maisie
Necklace and headband
The whole gang
Two seconds later
Grab bag time
Inspecting Brendan's grab bag
Time to steal?
Sharing the loot
In front of the bay
Looking small
In the Alcazar Gardens
Group photo
Group photo
Living room dining
Chalk talk
Birthday rice
In front of SS Empress of Japan Figurehead
The whole gang
Just a touch silly
Rachel and Sam
Checking out the winch
Rachel and Sam, together!
The largest dinner of the gathering
The full group
Peeking out