Home - 2024 - June tri-state travel

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Passing through the Cascades on the way to Seattle

Outdoor naptime in Bozeman

Squirrel observers

Looking west over the fairgrounds

BBQ time

Breaking in the grill

Freshly gifted wood wedge

Rhubarb crisp number two

Just before leaving for the airport

Getting to work clearning out the carriage house

Evidence of racoon parkour

Farewell love seat

Old school Polaroid

It's automatic!

Multi-layered wall coverings

One of the many Mathcounts trophies

Nail file from trip to Paris, 1992

Palm V

Edutainment at its finest

Early career guidance

Grandpa's duffels, still fully functional

Australia relief map, circa 6th grade

Strangely specific pegboard

Surveying the cot-displayed goodies

Independent study application form

Loading the dumpster

The artist and her fine arts

Do you prefer one nose or two?

Well-aged baseball glove

Mount Blanket

Fruit snack discovery - eligible for a three minute phone card

Five decades of pots and pans

It's all gotta go

Kichen section, plus sled

Bye bye Santa

The Noid has been lurking all this time

TMNT everywhere

Reel to reel

Mutagen ooze

Dusty cowpoke

Marna's old bathroom

Marna's old room

Mom and Dad's room

Mom and Dad's closet



Fire escape


Mom and Dad's room, with new ceiling fan

Lucas's old room

Lucas's old room

Lucas's old room

Lucas and my old shared bathroom

My old room

My old room

My old room

Hallway bathroom

Second story hallway

Private playroom

Private playroom

Small hallway (old maid's quarters)

Secret staircase

Pete and Sam's old bedroom

Pete and Sam's old bedroom

Up to the third floor

Sorting in the air conditioning

Third floor

Pool room



Pool room (with ping pong cover)

Third floor bar area

Third floor kitchen/bar

Barkeep's view

Tower room

Top of the tower

Third floor

Heading downstairs

Computer room (old doctor's office)

Downstairs bathroom

Sewing room (old doctor's waiting room)

Sewing room

Cold room

Cold room bathroom

Cold room


Entryway view of the porch



Front door from the porch

Main level hallway

Living room

Living room

Living room

Living room

Dining room

Dining room

Dining room to kitchen





Back entryway

Back entryway

Basement steps

Storage room

Laundry room

Workshop area

Workshop area



Furnace room

Furnace/boiler room

Basement bathroom (unused 30+ years)

Back yard

Carriage house

View from the carriage house

Inside the carriage house

Inside the carriage house

Storm windows, etc

Storm windows, etc

Carriage house

Back yard

Side yard

Front yard

338 E Capitol Drive

Front yard

House from the west

House from the south

Fine arts

Fine arts

Poison bottle, original to the house

Fine arts

Fine arts

Pretty full

Fine arts

Our departure


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.