Home - 2024 - UK trip - Day 14 - West Highland Way to Kinlochloven

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Hitting the trail in the morning

No camping, clearly!

Still close to the road and the River Etive Bridge

Turn thataway!

Here's the sign

I bet there's a story here...

Two of three in bloom

More heather

Getting taller

Wee White House Glencoe

About to ascend the Devil's Staircase, an old military road



Wee White House Glencoe looks even more wee

Only the devil would build a staircase with no steps

Making progress

Looking back south

Ready for more?

Take that, devil!

Past the high point

Blackwater Reservoir in the background


With feet!

Taking in the views


Lunch spot

Crisps please


Fuzzy rocks

Footbridge over unnamed stream

Unnamed stream

Lone (dead) tree

Fresh flowers

Sighting our next step

Hand-lettered signage

Valley view

Hydro dam

Doesn't look so tall

Leaky pipe

Approaching Kinlochleven

Sizable plumbing

River Leven

Salmon and Andrew

Tomorrow's trailhead

Kinlochleven residences

Kinlochleven Parish Church

Prismatic cider

Another day complete

Rice and Chips, for true fusion cuisine

The pub that was open

Are you Kinloch lovin' it too?

Our spot for the night

The apartment


Don't worry, but they might bomb the dam

Riverside pod

Gin and tonics, with no corkage fee (though bad tonic water)

Typical Scottish ride

Planning for tomorrow

Vegetables for dinner!

Sunset in Kinlochleven


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.