Home -
2019 -
Utah trip -
Day 2 - Kanarra Creek and Zion
Photographer: Josh Eckels

Checking out the Roots of Knowledge stained glass

About half of the panels

The future!

Hitting the trail post-lunch in Cedar City

Kanarraville from near the trailhead

Danger! Trail was officially closed

Entering BLM land

Spring green

And now into the town lands

Indian paintbrush

Red rocks

Into the slot canyon

Happy hiker

Spring melt coming downstream

Nice rest spot in the chilly water

Having fun

The walls close in

Paused for a moment

Mottled rock

Shadows and light

Inside the slot

Twisting back and forth

Bright sun overhead

First ladder

Taking a break

Testing the steps

Turning back

Reeds on the banks

A few whispy clouds

Tiny purple flowers

Paw prints in the sand

Campsite at Watchman in Zion

Sun still peaking over the ridge

Toppled tree

Good thing we had reservations

Sunset approaches

Empty road in the park

Indian paintbrush in front of the peak

Looking north, up the valley

Layered strata

Charging up Watchman trail

Shadows moving across the rocks

Golden at the top

Still a sliver of light

Dusk setting in

View from the Watchman trail end

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Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
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