Missouri History Museum, old entrance
Nice house along Forest Park
Cabanne House, first brick farmhouse west of the Mississippi River
One Hundred Above the Park Apartments
Replica of the Spirit of St Louis
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All categories: Home: 2024: Family gathering in St Louis
Photographer: Josh Eckels
Resolutions: 70x46 | 209x140 | 419x280 | 700x466 | 899x600 | 1,100x733 | 1,400x933 | 2,100x1,400 | 5,184x3,456


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
If you make use of my work, I request, but do not require, that you send me a note and let me know.

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