Home - 2017 - China - Day 11 - Off to Shanghai

Photographer: Josh Eckels

Morning balcony view

Downtown and Jindai Bridge

Tiny pagoda at the peak

Steps up at one of the many side attractions

Koi under the wall

Tower at the Seal Engraver's Society

Lots of carved rocks

Quite the tail on that one

Up on a perch

Red and green

Railing topper

Baochu Pagoda from Gu Hill

Bai Causeway

Don't trust sheep that look a lot like velociraptors

Baochu Pagoda

Nice place to sit for a moment

Peeking down on the lake from Baoshi Hill

Checking out downtown

A very brief moment of calm

Circular door at Baopu Taoist Temmple

Lugging water up

Peeking into a garden

Driveway for the nice hotel

Quick lunch at the train station

Massage chair in the waiting room

Business class on the high speed train


Arrived in Shanghai

Our room at Quintet B&B, Shanghai

Premium shopping awaits!

Checking out the Shikumen Open House Museum, which feels very Temple of Doom intro

Swanky drinks at Devil's Share


Our dinner, a one-star Michelin place in a mall. Very strange, but not bad


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Unless otherwise noted, all content is Copyright Joshua Eckels.
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